No Ceasefire in Tripoli Offensive: Libya’s Haftar Rejects Macron’s Request
AFP | Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar, who is leading a military offensive against the UN-recognized government in Tripoli, rejected a ceasefire requested by French President...
Brexit backfires for May; proves career ending
AFP | British Prime Minister Theresa May stared at the prospect Thursday of her political career coming to an inglorious end after her final attempt...
Macron warns EU against nationalism; garners criticism
AFP | French President Emmanuel Macron has warned of an "existential risk" to the EU just days ahead of elections for the European Parliament while...
Brexit attracts newcomers into politics
AFP | With no previous political experience, Jessica Simor and James Wells are both candidates in the upcoming European elections for rival parties born out...
Germans have chosen not to go through “NAZI” regime again
AFP | Thousands of people marched in cities across Germany on Sunday to protest against nationalist and far-right parties looking to secure more seats in...
European elections guide: What’s actually on the ballot paper?
Paula Keaveney | Despite plans to go ahead with Brexit, the UK will now participate in elections to the European Parliament on May 23. Voting in...
Labour lack of confidence in May ends the Brexit truce
AFP | Britain’s Labour Party pulled the plug on Friday on six weeks of Brexit compromise talks with Prime Minister Theresa May, blaming her evaporating...
Brexit may end like “Game of Thrones”; dark and fiery
AFP | Brexit Britain is "like Game of Thrones on steroids", a leading candidate for the top job at the European Commission said Wednesday as...
Germany moves to bring Mosques under Govt.
AFP | Support is growing in Germany for a "mosque tax" to make Islamic institutions less dependent on potentially anti-democratic or "radical" foreign funding sources,...
Should Europe be helping killing Yemenis: Europeans ask
AFP | The Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen may have increased public pressure on EU governments to freeze arms sales to the kingdom but for...
Football doesn’t know about Brexit
AFP | The Premier League has marked its return to prominence on the European stage as stunning Champions League comebacks from Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur...
India and France set to intimidate China in Indian Ocean
AFP | With the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle at the center, France and India on Friday stepped up their biggest naval exercises as the...