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Saturday, February 22, 2025

1967 War: Redefining the Middle East

The United Arab Republic was established on 1 February 1958 as the first step towards a larger pan-Arab state, originally proposed to Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser by a group of political and military leaders in Syria.

Economic Bartering for Stability: Pakistan’s Strategic Initiatives

Unlike Pakistan’s traditional Western partners, Moscow has no ulterior motives in doing business with Islamabad and hasn’t ever attached political strings to the deals that they’ve clinched.

Gulf support for Turkey’s Erdogan is about more than economics

With 3.7 million registered refugees, Turkey is home to the largest Syrian exile community. Anti-migrant sentiment and pledges to return refugees were important in last month's election campaigns.

Management of public perception to safeguard Pakistan’s nuclear program

By actively managing the global perception, Pakistan can articulate its security concerns, highlight its commitment to responsible nuclear practices, and defend its right to maintain credible deterrence.

Political Stability and the IMF’s Bailout Package for Pakistan: A Risk Assessment

It's unrealistic to expect lenders not to be concerned about Pakistan’s political stability, however, since it could lead to circumstances that impede that country’s ability to pay back its loans.

Discontent in Iraq 20 years after US-led invasion

On 7 October 2001 the US, with the participation of Britain, Canada and Australia, started bombing Afghanistan, and US ground forces were landing in Afghanistan on 18 October. 

Analyzing China’s Entry into Commercial Aircraft Industry

China's role in the aircraft industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years. The nation has demonstrated its prowess in manufacturing, technological innovation, and global collaboration.

Reforming the Judicial System: A Key to Justice for All

In order to build a just and fair society, it is crucial to embark on comprehensive judicial reform. This entails confronting the prevalent challenges that plague the system, such as corruption, the misuse of law, and the proliferation of fake cases.

The media movers and shakers of Pakistani politics

This “independent-looking" business tycoon cum media baron who had lived peacefully all along Ayub's Martial Law, however, could not pull along with General Yahya Khan who replaced Ayub Khan in April 1969.

Iran-Taliban skirmishes and Pakistan’s ‘Afghanistan conundrum’

Pakistan, of course, will have to play a part, in whatever capacity, to keep the conflict between Iran and Afghanistan from blowing out as it would result in further unrest in Pakistan as well but there is still a limit to Pakistan’s influence over Taliban.

Shiites, not Jews, emerge as a touchstone of Saudi moderation

The animus is maintained by some Sunni Muslims rather than Muslims as such. It relates to the killing by an enslaved Persian of Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second of the first four 7th-century caliphs to succeed Prophet Mohamed.

The Case for Export-Led Growth

Pakistan is among the seven most trade-averse countries in the world, with the highest average tariff among 70 countries, and there is a strong inclination toward import substitution in its economic policies.