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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Remittances: A Boon or Bane for Growth?

Pakistan’s remittance earnings have been increasing over time, coinciding with the establishment of the Pakistan Remittance Initiative in 2009 and subsequently increased outreach of banks in the remittance market.

Why the latest India-China border dispute poses a greater threat than before

The latest Sino-Indo tensions are more dangerous than usual since the strategic dynamics that are shaping them involve larger trends that are beyond the ambit of their bilateral ties.

Is Sharif family the biggest enemy of Pakistan?

Currently, the Sharifs are implementing the 'London Plan' to stage another comeback, but Imran Khan's party is standing firm despite numerous court cases and an assassination attempt.

Why PML-N is terrified of elections

Muslim League in any form always had some grassroots connection and if reorganized at that level they might revive. The extreme option to assassinate Imran Khan will destroy the PMLN in Pakistan.

Future at Stake – Deindustrialization

The rise of the manufacturing SME, especially in textiles, takes place simultaneously with the decline of formal manufacturing. The informal sector and SMEs are acting as a sponge for unemployed labor.

The fallacy of a US withdrawal from the Middle East

Geography is one immutable fact. There is no coherent Indo-Pacific strategy that does not include the region’s Western approach: the Arabian Sea with Oman, Yemen, Somalia, India, and Pakistan as littoral states.

Is Pakistan moving towards a dollarized economy

Since the abandonment of the gold standard and the Brettonwood Agreement developing nations have been desperately looking for ways to stabilize their domestic currency and ensure economic stability and prosperity.

Putting Hindu nationalists on the spot

Last month, the court described Indian states as “impotent” for failing to rein in hate speech across the country. Judges insisted that only by taking religion out of politics would India reduce inter-communal tensions.

Golden Jubilee of the 1973 Constitution

The Constitution has strengthened all the important pillars of the state and governance, with the National Assembly as supreme and the Judiciary functioning independently and effectively.

Effects of neoliberal policies in the West

The average income of corporate executives was almost 800 times higher than American workers on the minimum wage, $7.25 an hour. The situation was not much better in Britain.

Be the Change – Change the World

It's time to believe in one own self and be the harbinger of new thought. It's time to demand justice and fairness at every level. It's time to treat women, transgender and minority with extra respect.

Pakistan in the midst of chaos – Lt. Gen. (r) Asad Durrani

Is there any reason therefore to trust that the next round would install a better gang than the present junta? Moreover, was there ever any doubt that the PTI was rooting for elections because it was favorably placed?