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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bollywood’s Anti-Muslim Agenda

Along with other state institutions, private organizations, and Social, electronic, and print media companies, Bollywood is also controlled by radical Hindu supremacists and used to promote hate against Muslims.

How ChatGPT is bridging the gap between human and machine communication

ChatGPT uses deep learning algorithms to understand and respond to natural language. The technology is based on a neural network, which is trained on a massive amount of text data.

Will Pakistan meet its Sustainable Development Goals?

This year at the DAVOS platform, over 2700 leaders connected together to tackle major environmental and economic challenges, revolving around the theme: ‘Cooperation in a fragmented world’.

Barriers to renewable energy transition for Pakistan’s textile industry

The analysis of the current scenario of industrial energy efficiency reveals that the share of alternate energy sources such as renewable electricity and biomass in the industry is limited.

The Spellbinders of Hindustan

As stated earlier, after the “Vivisection of Mother India’, the leadership of JI, JUI, Khaksar, and Qadianis migrated to Pakistan.  Maulana Azad also realized the bankruptcy of his political dogma.

The Snake Bites Once Again – Energy

One of the challenges in establishing a power plant dedicated to serving Export Oriented Units (EOUs) in the Textile industry is related to the definition of open access/wheeling charges.

Pakistan’s economy and supplementary budget

The cost of IMF loans must be evaluated in all respect, especially in terms of national integrity, sovereignty, and security. For some meager cash, we should not blindly accept all conditions.

Pakistan is an agricultural economy: Myth or reality?

Pakistan needs to define its agricultural zone based on the agro-climatic conditions and the provision of subsidies must be linked with prioritised crops for each zone.

Analyzing Washington’s encouragement of independence groups in Xinjiang

Shane Quinn, a British geo strategist talks about the area of Xinjiang, its historical ties to China, and the influence in the region by the Americans in recent decades in an attempt to promote independence efforts

How India could be this decade’s China

This year’s Indian chairmanship of the Group of 20, which brings together the leaders of the world's 20 largest economies, is an opportunity for President Narendra Modi to showcase where India is heading.

Analyzing Zamir Kabulov latest interview with Indian media about Afghanistan

Whether due to pressure from its US patrons, hitherto irreconcilable mutual suspicions with India, or a combination thereof, Pakistan still declined to participate in the latest Moscow meeting on Afghanistan.

Slaughter of an election – a trial for the next general election

  Every electoral process consists of hundreds of steps, and each step demands minimum standards. For instance, Pakistan's Elections Act 2017 has 15 chapters, 241...