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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Protest emerges as a mixed blessing for World Cup host Qatar

Protest on the soccer pitch has proven to be a mixed blessing for World Cup host Qatar, exposing double standards in the Gulf state’s position as well as that of its critics.

1971 War: A military or a political defeat?

It is therefore an open secret that while in Beijing, Bhutto, Gul, and Rahim conspired to wash their hands off a united Pakistan and choreograph the defeat of the Pakistan Army to bring Bhutto into Power.

Introspection for a change!

The elite though comprehends that the colonial style of governance will take the country to darkness but are not willing to change. The children of the privileged are now the biggest immigrants to the west.

Rise of fascism in Germany, 1918-1933

Shane Quinn, a British geostrategist talks about the rise of fascism in Germany after the First World War, including how legislation like the Treaty of Versailles was a major boost to the extreme right German elements.

The Kaizen Way to Live a Productive Life

Now after getting the answers to small questions, now it is time to flawlessly execute your plan thereby taking small actions to solve small problems, which in turn would contribute to big goals.

The Qatar World Cup: Soccer upsets, politics, and sensitive situations

Leaving aside the merits of the allegation and Qatari disappointment, the jury remains out on what Qatar's return on its massive investment in organising the World Cup will be regarding reputational capital.

The Afghan cross-border terrorism against Pakistan

When organizing a defense out of contact with the enemy, the defender can establish a security zone in front of his defenses. This security zone can be up to 15 to 50 km deep.

The mockery of Muslim rights in India

The protection of religious minorities in India has been called into question a number of times. This includes when the Indian Parliament passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in December 2019.

Analyzing Women Rights in IIOJK in the light of International Law

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is celebrated on the 25th of November and aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls around the world.

Behind lofty declarations, major Muslim and Hindu groups compete for power

In the League's case, Nahdlatul Ulama hopes the alliance will undercut Saudi and League support for an Indonesian political party associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

How Pakistan is the new advocate of climate change

In Pakistan early start of summer was alarming, but the peak summer was also too hot and fire erupted in jungles, forests, and bushes all over Pakistan. That was a sign of a big disaster.

How India is an obstacle in Kashmiri freedom movement

When he said that a nuclear bomb is an instrument of deterrence, not meant to be used, he fully grasped the nature of the Indian challenge – henceforth India would use the indirect approach to nibble at Pakistan.