No need to read too much into Russian Senator’s claim about Pakistan
The statement came at a seminar in Russia on the topic of “Nuclear Provocations in Ukraine” and was reported by RIA Novosti, the state-run domestic news agency of the Russian Federation.
Ukraine war offers China opportunity fraught with pitfalls
Mr. Xi seeks to ensure that China, at least for now, is primus inter pares alongside the United States and that it can propagate its notion of a totalitarian surveillance state shielded from criticism.
Iqbal’s Concept of Self
November 9 is being observed as "Iqbal Day" in honour of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who continues to be revered worldwide for his poetry and works.
Structural Imperatives for Pakistan in a Changing World
China and Pakistan have not only evolved their relationship organically over the years, but they have also engaged in initiatives like BRI that pave the way for a mutually beneficial relationship.
Analyzing the Bajwa’s Conundrum
Pakistan and the rest of the world were hit by COVID. There was a pause in political activity. The focus now was how to manage COVID given the country’s fragile economic state.
Ongoing Ukrainian Conflict: Inverse Economic Impacts on Pakistan
Pakistan's economy will be impacted by the ongoing geopolitical tensions that are increasing in the context of the Russia-Ukraine issue, two significant agricultural providers in the global food supply chain.
How unaddressed domestic issues leads to violation of women’s rights
According to an estimate, approximately 70 to 90% of Pakistani women are subjected to domestic violence. Various forms of domestic violence in the country include physical, mental and emotional abuse.
China’s Xi contemplates visiting Saudi Arabia
Mr. Xi is certain to want to exploit the most recent spat in US-Saudi relations. His problem is that the spat highlights the opportunity and the minefield the Chinese leader has to navigate.
The Ganga Hijacking in 1971
On 30 January 1971, an Indian Airlines domestic Fokker F27, also named "Ganga", flying from Srinagar Airport to the Jammu-Satwari Airport, was hijacked by two Kashmiri separatists belonging to the National Liberation Front.
Analyzing the US-Russia Deterrence Stability
The two states bear a grave responsibility to ensure stable deterrence as they cumulatively possess 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons and have come close to war numerous times over the past.
Kashmir: The Counter Narrative
According to investigative journalist Steve Coll’s article in the New Yorker, India, and Pakistan, after intensive track II diplomacy, had very nearly reached an agreement that would have demilitarized Jammu & Kashmir.
Uncertain Times in Pakistan
Capitalism run by the West and the international corporations and international mafias is the promoters of materialism, corrupt practices, war mongering, conspiracies, intrigue, and other vices.