Rivalries of the major powers in Eurasia
Bush established missile infrastructure in NATO states Poland and the Czech Republic and then led NATO to the frontiers of Russia by incorporating the Baltic states into the military organization in 2004.
Christian nationalism: A threat to Israel’s national security?
Mr. Netanyahu also had no qualms about Mr. Orban’s rewriting of Hungary’s World War Two history, which included rehabilitating anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi wartime figures as anti-communist icons.
Sustainable Business Practices in Textile Sector of Pakistan
Even though the textile sector of Pakistan is seen as one of the most significant sectors from an economic perspective, the supply chain for this sector is plagued by serious environmental and social issues.
Can India occupy AJK and GB?
Presently, both India and Pakistan lack the conventional punch to wrest the portions of the erstwhile princely state of Jammu & Kashmir they had captured during the First Kashmir War (October 1947 –April 1949).
Xi’s third term and US-China relations
The US and China are trapped in what Graham Allison has termed as Thucydides' trap. Under President Xi, China has taken several steps that are intended to counter US influence and liberal order.
How the Shah of Iran eliminated his dissidents
Amir-Abbas Hoveyda was an Iranian economist and politician who served as the Shah's Prime Minister from 27 January 1965 to 7 August 1977. He was the longest-serving prime minister in Iran's history.
The Qatar World Cup: Footballing for soft power
A US-led military coalition liberated Kuwait while many conservative Kuwaitis fled to Saudi Arabia. Less conservative Kuwaiti nationals sat the war out in the casino of the Cairo Hilton hotel.
Arshad Sharif: A symbol of the long march – Lt Gen (retd) Tariq Khan
Arshad Sharif will be the symbolic icon of this Long March and shall be larger than life; a testimony to what this country needs – justice, moral values, humanity, honesty, and truth, writes Lt. Gen. (retd) Tariq Khan in a hard-hitting piece.
Iran’s uprising: The beginning of a new revolution?
The protest, which began one month ago with the death of MahsaAmini, has extended to all seventeen regions of Iran. At least 108 people were killed in the operation, including women and children.
November 1971: The meeting in Beijing
Squadron Leader Arshad Sami Khan (retired) is a veteran of the 1965 war. After the war, he served as ADC to Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan, General Yahya Khan, and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
The legend of Maula Jatt puts Pakistani cinema on the world stage
With The Legend of Maula Jatt, Pakistani cinema has arrived on the world stage. Released worldwide on October 13, 2022, The Legend of Maula Jatt is a reboot of classical Maula Jatt made in 1979.
The dying political thought process in Pakistan
This me me selfish concept, the narrow tunnel vision, the concentration towards the selfish interest that took PMLN to the height of its glory has finally turned into a fatal weakness which is leading it to plummet extinction.