Indonesian Muslims gamble on problematic ties to Saudi government
Last week, a Saudi court committed to death row three members of the Howeitat tribe that was forcibly ejected to make way for Mr. Bin Salman’s US$500 billion science fiction Neom megacity on the Red Sea.
The global rich and the “Monsoon on steroids”
Pakistan’s Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations argues that the country needs an immediate and long term viable “Master Resilient Reconstruction Plan” with well-conceived and properly structured private and public projects.
Agriculture Growth in the wake of Climate Change
During the last two decades, Pakistan has suffered significant socio-economic loss due to climate-water-related extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and unexpected precipitation.
Pakistan’s textile sector – A reliable pathway to counter debt!
A strong export base serves as the baseline to strengthen the economy without reliance on any external force such as foreign aid. Therefore, Pakistan needs policies that prioritize an export culture and support industrial growth.
Becoming the voice of minorities in India
Hundreds of prominent Muslim women in India get humiliated and degraded on an everyday basis as their pictures and information are displayed on apps and websites suggesting that these women are for sale.
The influence of private interests in Washington
The US Department of Treasury, and the Federal Reserve Board, estimated that Washington owed $4.4 trillion to foreign governments, who purchased US treasury bonds as investors would do when buying a stake in a company.
CPEC: The game changer for Balochistan
China has promised to invest $46 billion in CPEC in Pakistan, which covers a highway network from Khunjerab to Gwadar, energy projects and the establishment of economic zones.
5G and the future of warfare in Pakistan
The current era is witnessing a shift from 4G (4th Generation) networked communication to 5G (5th Generation) (5th Generation). This shift will have far-reaching consequences for all civil and defense communications.
How NATO planned a pre-emptive strike on Russia
One of the largest French maritime exercises in the Mediterranean, POLARIS 21, took place from November 18 to December 3, 2021, in the area west of the island of Corsica, between France and Spain.
Who is responsible for Swat’s deteriorating security situation
Police officials told Al Jazeera they have ruled out “terrorism” since this was a targeted attack on an individual, but they are continuing to investigate.
Putin’s Annexation: Echoes of Manchukuo?
The blast on the Crimean Bridge, a prized project for Russian President Vladimir Putin, threatens a vital supply route for Russian forces in southern Ukraine.
90 years of Indian Air Force
Since 1950, the IAF has been involved in four wars with neighboring Pakistan. Other major operations undertaken by the IAF include Operation Vijay, Operation Meghdoot, Operation Cactus and Operation Poomalai.