Husain Haqqani: An opportunist turncoat!
Syed Haider Raza Mehdi | I must start with an apology because this is a very harsh indictment of Husain Haqqani. It is harsh because he...
Putin’s Russia on top yet again
M K Bhadrakumar | Russia and the United States could be hurtling toward a showdown following Moscow’s decision on Friday to retaliate, finally, against President Barack...
Playing both sides against the middle: Saudi Arabia engages with Iraqi Shiites
James M. Dorsey | Saudi Arabia, with the Islamic State on the ropes in Iraq, is forging ties to Iraqi Shiite leaders and offering to...
A moral judgment?
Saad Rasool | The honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan, on Friday, disqualified Mian Nawaz Sharif, from being member of the National Assembly, under Article 62(1)(f)...
End of Charter of Democracy?
Dr. Muhammad Ali Ehsan | Arriving on the heels of 70th independence day of this country, the judgment by the Supreme Court on the “Panama...
Fear of third intifada brings Israel and Arab together!
James M. Dorsey | A web of formal and informal Israeli-Arab relations and common fears of renewed popular uprisings that could threaten regimes and benefit...
Countering Sharif’s apologists
Farah Adeed | The Supreme Court of Pakistan has finally disqualified Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, the third time elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif...
Nawaz’s disqualification: Will Pakistan descend into chaos?
M K Bhadrakumar | The Pakistani scenario, following the resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, has three important dimensions. One, will Pakistan descend into violence and chaos? The...
The Twists And Turns Of Indian-Iranian Military Aid To Iraq
Andrew Korybko | Both Great Powers are intensifying their military relations with the war-torn state in the wake of Daesh’s decisive defeat in Mosul, with news...
Is India moving towards a civil war?
Dr. Noor Ul Hassan | In the name of cow protection, the self-proclaimed cow protector’s unleashed violence in several parts of India. Increasing incidents of...
The lie we tell ourselves to justify British rule
M. Usama Khawar | There's a popular narrative that floats around the subcontinent, like a safety net we revert to in times of need, that...
The Uggar.. Mugger… Shuggar Crowd!
Syed Haider Raza Mehdi | I’ve seen some of the craziest written and verbal gymnasts and contortionists in action today. I’ve seen arguments ranging from people...