Western liberal totalitarianism: friendly and subordinate fascism
Leonid Savin l Professor of Political Science and President of the US Society for General Systems Research, Bertram Myron Gross, introduced the term “friendly fascism”...
Deep inside Kashmir militancy: how damaging can the cracks be for the movement?
Abubakar Farooqui | On April 7, 2017, a group of unidentified militants appeared in the death anniversary of a Kashmiri Freedom fighter Naseer Pandit in...
North and South Korea, what divides them
Why is there a North and a South Korea? Before there was a South and North Korea, the peninsula was ruled by a dynasty known...
USA-Russia-China triangle
M. K. Bhadrakumar | For long-time observers of the US-Russia-China triangle, this week presents a fantastic panorama. Much as the G20 summit in Hamburg on...
How safe is Indonesia’s democracy from Islamic extremism?
In May, the governor of Jakarta, Indonesia – a Christian – was convicted for blasphemy against religion and sentenced to two years in prison. The conviction has shocked observers around...
ISIS: the face of terror and options for Pakistan to deal with it
Qazi Abdul Mohsin | It may be surprising to hear, but it is a plain fact that modern global jihad originated as a consequence of...
PPP impeding accountability in Sindh
Rida Hussain | The successful annulment of the National Accountability Ordinance 1999 by the Sindh Assembly is perhaps a sigh of relief for many of...
Israel tackles Trump’s Syrian blues
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Government officials can be broadly put into two categories — those who take to bureaucratic skullduggery like fish to water and...
Unite and rule: EU as NATO’s auxiliary economic alliance
Nauman Sadiq l According to a recent infographic by New York Times, 79,000 US troops have currently been deployed in Europe out of 210,000 total US...
Of biscuits and hot tea-cups: US aid to Pakistan over the years
Saleem Akhtar Malik l Since 1947, Pakistan’s relationship with the US has followed a tortuous and unpredictable route. The relationship had all along been a...
Pakistan, Washington and the folly of cultivating echo chambers.
Saeed Afridi | The tragic, darkly comic and somewhat farcical saga that was the “Raymond Davis Incident” is perhaps the best allegory of what is...
Pakistan’s dormant tourism industry
Rida Hussain | The construction of CPEC is indeed an eye-opening evidence that signifies the geographical location Pakistan enjoys. Landlocked from three sides and a...