Foot-dragging by the IMF
It appears that there is a diametric change in Pakistan's historical stance on J&K. At the US behest, and at the urging of Saudi Arabia and UAE, Pakistan's new regime has put the J&K Dispute on the back burner.
Russia Ukraine War: What are the lessons for Pakistan?
Both India and Pakistan are trying to adopt the latest military technologies and modernize existing conventional weaponry systems. These disruptive technologies and strategies are true without any doubt a game-changer.
Zawahiri is Gone, But Not the Terrorism
On August 01, 2022, President Biden announced the killing of Al-Qaeda’s leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri in a drone strike. POTUS went further remarking, “Now justice has been delivered, and this terrorist leader is no more.”
Challenges for Taliban Regime: Revival of ISKP in Afghanistan
Islamic State is an offshoot of a terrorist organization “Al-Qaeda”, primarily their ideology is against the west, and they claim to launch jihad against non-Muslim countries on a global level.
Why killing Zawahiri doesn’t eliminate the threat of Al Qaeda?
For Biden, the opportunity to take out the world's most wanted terrorist, one of the masterminds of September 11, 2001, attacks, was fraught with the risk of accidentally killing civilians in the Afghan capital.
Halting the subversion of CPEC
In recent years, the BLA has gradually changed its attack methodology from attacking Pakistani officials and military forces to attacking foreign institutions and enterprises in Pakistan.
Why Pakistan is facing economic default?
Unless we address this intellectual default, there is little chance of rescuing the economic default. While every government boasts of foreign remittances, it is terrible for the economy in the long run.
Monkeypox: Another challenge that lies ahead
The first case of Monkeypox was identified in humans in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and since then, there have been several outbreaks reported in different parts of the world.
Unveiling ‘Western Narrative’ Building Strategies
The United States and other western countries have committed several international crimes and violated the UN charter, but neither substantial action is taken against them nor are they designated as terrorists.
Revisiting the 18th Amendment of Pakistan
In the constitutional history of Pakistan 18th amendment is considered as one of the landmark amendments. It has impacted the state variously in various aspects. Politically, it has integrated the state and strengthened the federation.
The dentistry conundrum in Pakistan
Every year, hundreds and thousands of students enroll in dental schools across Pakistan, some with a passion for reforming the oral health care sector while others with aspirations of lucrative economic opportunities.
Why Bangladesh won’t face a Sri Lanka-style crisis?
In economic terms, conventional wisdom is that foreign debt of up to 70% of a country's gross domestic product (GDP) is manageable and the risk of economic distress is low. The figure for Bangladesh is just 44%.