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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Why we miss former PM Imran Khan?

The back and forth between Khan and the military leadership is part of a high-stakes political strategy by Khan to keep himself at the center of the national political discourse and force early elections on favorable terms.

High profile outlaws who defied the law in Pakistan

The Colonial System that we inherited was based on 'Public Hatred' which has continued unabated. While the colonialists were forced to leave, their system and leftovers remained to usurp our freedom. Executive abuse is the order of the day.

Government to appoint Chairman Higher Education Commission

Transparent and merit-based appointment for the position is a test case for the government. This is one of the major appointments by PM Shehbaz Sharif since their coalition government took an oath on April 11, 2022.

Leading by example: Bangladesh’s approach to regional humanitarian crisis

Bangladesh only gained independence 50 years ago, and thus it wasn't that long ago that the country itself needed the humanitarian assistance of other countries to survive. Now, it has gone a long way on the road toward nationhood.

Biden goes to Riyadh: Realism may not need to trump principle

When President Biden arrives in the Middle East this week, on his first visit as American head of state, he will find a region where alliances, priorities and relations with the United States have shifted significantly since his last official trip, six years ago.

Pakistan: A Garrison State?

Pakistan’s weak state capacity has been a key structural factor in the dominance of the military establishment. Unfortunately, Pakistan has had a weak legislative capacity and a poor record of regularly passing laws.

A brief history of regime changes in Pakistan

Imran Khan’s term lasted for just over three and a half years before he was ousted through a No Trust Motion, moved by the combined opposition parties under the banner of PDM. For the first two years, IK had to negotiate the pandemic Covid-19 crisis that had rocked the world.

Can the Russian invasion of Ukraine incentivize China for forceful unification of Taiwan?

Taiwan, officially known as the Republic of China, is an island located at the junction of the East and the South China Sea in the Pacific Ocean. Taiwan anchors a chain of the island (first chain island) with massive strategic importance.

Consequences of Regime change and Imran Khan’s ouster

Since forever military establishment has championed itself as the guarantor and protector of not only Pakistan’s political and geographical sovereignty but also has a claim to protecting the ideological boundaries of Pakistan.

Importance of morals and ethics in an education system

Historically, the mission of schools has been to develop in the young both intellectual and moral virtues. Concern for moral virtues, such as honesty, responsibility, and respect for others, is the domain of moral education.

Poverty and inequality: Enduring features of an urban future?

Cities and subnational governments should adopt a multidimensional approach to addressing poverty and inequality. The last point highlights that investing in and extending infrastructure to deprived neighborhoods

Cricket’s return to Pakistan

This year Pakistan held all thirty-four matches of PSL in the country with a hundred percent capacity of spectators allowed. Both these events have lent Pakistan the publicity and credibility it sought as a cricketing nation capable of hosting international teams.