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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Is Cocomo in danger?

Recently, Miftah said that inflation is to be blamed for stealing Cocomos from the ticky pack. He was adamant that a time is about to come when one ticky pack of PKR.5 will contain only one Cocomo, or still worse down the road, a half or quarter of it.

Regime Change: The US’ favorite weapon?

This forever-in-power elite’s coffers have swelled perpetually at the cost of Pakistan sinking to unimaginable depths. It has been a grotesque contrast of elite grandeur and citizen squalor, grotesque wealth, and excruciating poverty.

Pakistan Bureaucracy: Room without a view

Linking promotions and appointments to intelligence agencies ’frivolous and biased reports (especially in the case of the civilian reporting agencies), points to the complete failure of the responsible entities, be those bureaucratic or political.

Partition of Punjab!

Coming to the act of partition, the British Government had appointed Sir Cyril Radcliffe as head of the Boundary Commission that demarcated the borders between India and Pakistan. He had never even visited the country.

Why Pakistan’s current situation takes us back to the past?

The current socio-economic-political crisis in Pakistan is characterized by a situation where the people are fighting for their survival against a consortium of mafias and political blackmailers. There are fully fledged foreign-sponsored insurgencies.

IMF’s new conditions for Pakistan – “Do More”

With the start of the current 22nd program, Pakistan was asked to take tough measures, like the appointment of the Governor of the State Bank, and its high degree of autonomy, removal of subsidies, and burdening the nation with heavy taxes.

Roe v. Wade to Dobbs v. Jackson: Legal reasonings and law making

Abortion presents a profound moral issue on which Americans hold sharply conflicting views. Some believe fervently that a human person comes into being at conception and that abortion ends an innocent life.

The problems in the teaching profession

Teaching is a respectable profession, and in the context of respect, it supersedes all other professions in society. It is the crown of all other professions in that they are the production of it. It is teaching that has played a stupendous role in societies.

Mortal and immortal heads of hydra terrorism strikes back in Pakistan

Terrorism is a form of political violence. Its peculiar nature could be compared with Hydra, a multiheaded sea serpent or monster in Greek mythology that was slain by Hercules. Hydra’s every head, when cut off was replaced by two others.

Russia’s response to Western sanctions

Some analysts believe that the US sanctions undoubtedly will affect the Russian economy. Although Russia will manage the economic crisis within the country, it may never compromise strategically in the region and internationally.

Is Palestinian cause taking its dying breath?

A new wave of normalization in the greater Middle East adds insult to Palestine's injuries. Several Arab states have already established diplomatic relations under the Abraham Accords with Israel and others are lining up to follow the course.

Why Pakistan could not escape FATF?

The country was placed on the grey list owing to "structural deficiencies" in policies and procedures to counter money laundering and terror financing. Pakistan can escape the grey list if twelve FATF members vote that Pakistan's performance is satisfactory.