How pollution is destroying Quetta city?
Due to a lack of necessary facilities in the province, people of rural areas rushed to the city and settled here permanently. People living in the city still depend on the burning of wood for their daily lives, resultantly greenery is diminishing in Quetta city
Pakistan army’s contribution in Balochistan
According to Stephen Cohen, there are armies that defend their country's territory, armies that are concerned about defending their own position in society and armies that defend a cause or ideology, and "the Pakistan Army does all three".
How India killed SAARC?
We should counter India’s moves by reactivating SAARC based on a new political alignment that will include, China, Maldives Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and maybe Iran. Other countries may join this group later on.
Qatar World Cup offers lessons for human rights struggles
Hosting the World Cup has further forced Qatar, albeit in a limited fashion, to come to grips with issues like LGBT rights that do not simply violate the country’s laws but go against its social grain to produce an inclusive tournament.
Handing over a better world!
Mankind has graduated from bonded slavery to renumerated servants, from women being a possession to becoming essential and useful citizens, from zero awareness about the planet's ecosystem to being highly aware of ecology changes.
Is Imran Khan dividing Pakistan?
Political parties are based on ideology otherwise they turn into 'Interest Groups'. In the checkered political arena of the republic, only two parties were conceived and launched in Lahore while others came out of Gate No. 4 of GHQ.
Why Pakistan’s situation is reflection of decline of the Mughal power?
Taj Mahal was commissioned in 1632 by Shah Jahan and was largely completed by 1643. By rough estimates, it cost 32 million rupees. The annual revenue during Shah Jahan’s reign was estimated between 18 and 30 million rupees.
Hindutva as a modification of right wing extremism
In India, Muslims are being murdered and the majority of the world is too sluggish to denounce these atrocities. Increased regional radicalization and terror threats would be motivated by the Modi regime’s ability to carry on with its ideology of Hindutva.
Climate Change and its subsequent sociopolitical unrest
Pakistan’s past, as well as newly appointed, Ministers for Climate Change recognize the gravity of the matter, but it remains to be seen how much space-effective climate policymaking is given under the current stressful economic dynamics.
Overview one year into the Nazi-Soviet War: Eight decades ago
The cold intensified further when darkness fell. On the night of 5 December 1941, just hours after the Red Army counteroffensive had begun, the thermometer in Moscow showed a recording of minus 36 degrees Celsius
FATF: A politically propelled financial enforcer
The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) is to ensure the adoption, implementation and enforcement of internationally accepted anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing as per the FATF.
Analyzing the evolving non-traditional security threats for Pakistan
Pakistan’s environmental vulnerability and challenges indicate that the country will become unlivable if the situation continues to deteriorate at the current pace. The country's policymakers and practitioners need a change in mindset