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Saturday, February 22, 2025

US ready for talks with Taliban – Asif Haroon Raja

Asif Haroon Raja | 17 years have gone by but so far there are little prospects for the longest war in Afghanistan to come to...

Performance of PTI regime in its infancy – Part II – Asif Haroon Raja

Asif Haroon Raja | Imran Khan (IK) has leadership qualities, has charisma, is populous, has no corruption scandal or foreign assets, he is adept in...

Performance of PTI regime in its infancy – Part I – Asif Haroon Raja

Asif Haroon Raja | Midway in his second tenure, Nawaz Sharif (NS) was toppled by Gen Musharraf (Mush) in a military coup on October 12,...

Visit of bullies to Pakistan – Asif Haroon Raja

Asif Haroon Raja | Bullying is the hallmark of the US foreign policy. The bullying tools employed to achieve foreign policy goals are threats, coercion,...

The War in Afghanistan: Curtains without Climax

Adnan Qaiser | Afghanistan has stayed less a homogenous state and more a montage of feuding ethnicities and warring tribes bound by strings of self-interest...

Challenge for the New Government; Constraining its Capacity to Finance – Inadequate Human Resources and Institutional Resource Gap for Localizing SDGs in Pakistan

Dr. Kalsoom Sumra | The rising income inequalities, regional disparities and gender inequalities vindicate a longstanding demand by the new government to localize the 2030...

It’s Imran Khan’s turn in the barrel

Asif Haroon Raja | The voters went to the allocated polling stations early in the morning of July 25 to take part in the 13th...

A rebuttal to Robert L. Grenier piece titled “Afghanistan: The cornerstone of US-Pakistan mistrust?”

Shaukat Qadir | Introduction My brother, a historian, has drummed into me, that those who refer to Afghanistan as ‘unconquerable’ are, either unaware of history...

PTM: A Pashtun Spring..?

Murtaza Shibli | Manzoor Pashteen swears by his commitment and dedication to the cause of Pashtuns who have become victims of an endless war. In...

What made Senate Elections ‘controversial’?

Asif Haroon Raja | The March 3 Senate elections seem to be the most controversial elections in the 45-year-old history of the upper house of...

New initiatives required to enhance Pakistan’s economic diplomacy

News Desk | GVS sat down with Mr. Haroon Sharif to discuss the issue of Pakistan’s inclusion in FATF greylist and its economic performance under the...

No respite in US aggression against Pakistan

Asif Haroon Raja | George Bush threatened General Musharraf that Pakistan will be pushed into the Stone Age if he didn't accept the US’s seven...