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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Nord stream 2 connecting Russia-Germany completed: Gazprom

Nord Stream 2 is expected to double natural gas supplies from Russia to Germany, but it has divided European capitals and raised tensions between the bloc and Washington. A key controversy is that it diverts supplies from an existing route through Ukraine and is expected to deprive the EU's partner of crucial transit fees from Russia.

Why did Russia and Turkey set sights on a war-torn Syria?

Russia and Turkey have always been like two sides of the same coin when it came to their intervention in Syria. Both the countries...

Will stabilising Afghanistan promise regional influence to both Russia and China?

As the great powers deepen their presence in South Asia, all eyes are on Afghanistan. The two major powers are Russia and China. Both...

Australian Military overlooked “Western Democracy” in a bid to expose Russia

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation appears to have colluded with the Australian Defence Ministry to launch an information warfare attack on Russia under the pretext...

Pakistan, Russia strengthen business, military cooperation

Pakistan and Russia concluded joint inter-governmental talks after three days on Wednesday to amend an agreement related to the work on the North-South Gas...

Nagorno Karabakh truce: Rebalancing of power between Russia & Turkey

A Russian mediated-ceasefire in the Caucasus cements a Turkish-backed Azerbaijani military defeat of Armenia but raises tantalizing questions. Spontaneous mass protests against the terms of...

India will be a roadblock in Russia-Pakistan relations

OneWorld is sharing Andrew Korybko's responses to several questions sent to him by Adeela Jawad about the contemporary state and future prospects of Russia-Pakistan...

What will be the unintended consequences of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict?

Since ancient times, there are three popular reasons for why nations fight wars with one another; Zaan, Zaar and Zaamin, which means for the...

Is Armenia’s Pashinyan to blame for the suffering in Nagorno-Karabakh?

The narrative propagated by the Armenian government and their supporters across the world is that Azerbaijan's counteroffensive is responsible for the suffering of Armenians...

Repercussions of the delayed international response in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijan's ongoing counteroffensive in Nagorno-Karabakh is teaching the international community some very important lessons. They now realize that they're at fault for having let...

What does the future hold for Caucasus?

The Eurasian region of Caucasus has yet seen another wave of horrendous violence after 1990's as Azerbaijani and Armenian forces are engaged with each...

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Ethnocentric attitudes encouraging negative stereotypes

  After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Nagorno-Karabakh became an autonomous region that is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but is de facto...