Where to Find Christmas Sales, Coupons, and Discounts?
The last days to prepare for Christmas gifts are quickly approaching. When we want to surprise our loved ones, money is undoubtedly an important...
Does Amitabh Bachchan’s silence on CAB reflect bigotry against Muslims?
Bollywood director, Anurag Kashyap savagely trolled actor Amitabh Bachchan for his silence on Citizenship Amendment Act, reported Indian media. Bachchans neither condemned the discriminatory...
DG ISPR strikes India with Twitter trend: ‘Beginning of the End’
DG ISPR, Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, is spearheading another social media campaign against the ultra-nationalistic government of BJP on social media titled, 'Beginning of...
Jinnah was Right & Gandhi was Wrong: Indian politician blasts over CAA
While Bharatiya Janta Party is adamant to proceed with the controversial Citizenship Amendment Bill, the anti-CAB voices within the Indian parliament alert that the...
Most high-profile personalities arrested in 2019
2019 marked a difficult year for the titans of politics in Pakistan. The ongoing year was fraught with NAB arrests and imprisonments for the...
Afghan Battle: The US losing lives but for what?
If the latest U.S. soldier just killed in Afghanistan, as yet unidentified, was married, I can’t help but wonder what U.S. officials are going...
‘Sham marriages’: Europe’s strict laws destroying ‘Genuine’ families
Apostolos Andrikopoulos | Why do you want to marry a Nigerian?”, a visa officer at a European embassy in Nigeria asked Helen while her partner...
Venezuela’s economic crisis a boon for traditional liquor
Venezuela's traditional cocuy liquor is making a comeback due to the country's punishing economic crisis, which has put rum, whiskey and even beer financially...
Handling school education and economy: Lessons from Finland – II
Opinion | Here, to understand the role of school and its link with social progress, one is reminded of the words of the great American...
The economic cost of climate change in 2019
At least 15 natural disasters linked to climate change this year caused damage of over $1 billion and seven of them cost at least...
Locust invasion destroys crops in northwest India
A massive locust invasion has destroyed thousands of hectares of crops in northwest India, authorities said, with some experts on Friday terming it the...
France takes the lead in 2019’s culture of protest
France, it sometimes seems, is either in the throes of a major strike or facing the looming shadow of one. Workers in the country...