Deepika Padukone, a Bollywood actor, discussed the importance of keeping an eye on your loved ones and recognizing any unusual changes in them. She talked openly about her struggle, expressing that she is unsure of where she would be today if her mother had not identified the warning signs and symptoms of depression in her and encouraged her to get therapy.
The Padmaavat actor, who manages the mental health organization Live Love Laugh Foundation and has previously struggled with depression, is currently in Tamil Nadu. In front of World Mental Health Day on October 10, she is extending her foundation’s rural community mental health program.
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She emphasized the significance of carers in her interview with the magazine for those who are experiencing mental health issues.
She stated that the importance of the family in maintaining mental wellness was vital. When I hear the stories of the caregivers, I realize how equally important that is as well, and the emotional well-being of the caregiver is as important as the emotional well-being of the person experiencing mental illness.
Even in my own journey, the role of the caregiver has been extremely important, which is why my mother is here and why my sister has been so passionately involved in this cause for many years.
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She expanded on how her mother helped her see what the next step needs to be. “In my own case, for example, had my mother and the caregiver not identified my symptoms, in my moment of vulnerability, had she not had the presence of mind to tell me to or help me reach out to the professionals, I don’t know what state I would be in today,” she explained.
She also talked about the effect it can have on the caregiver. “Ensuring I was regular with my treatment, with my consultations with the doctors — of course, it takes a toll on the caregiver as well and that’s not something new. I think caregivers in general, whether it is mental illness or any other form of illness, it takes a toll on the caregiver.”