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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dissent on Aurat March and Woman Empowerment

Difference of opinion is good, but it must not lengthen to extremism. There must not be any objection upon any peaceful protest by anyone unless abiding by the rule of law.

Mao Zedong, also known as Chairman Mao, a Chinese communist revolutionary who became the founding father of the People Republic of China and ruled as the chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976, once said that Women hold up half the sky.

Recently, an unfortunate incident happened between a famous Urdu drama writer Khalil-ur-Rehman Qamar and a woman journalist Marvi Sarmad on National TV upon a controversial slogan of Aurat March.

From last two to three years, every year women’s day is celebrated on 8th March with special demonstration of Aurat March but the only thing being propagated every time with some so-called slogans add fuel to fire whereas the real issue is uniformity between men and women.

The problem starts when humans try to judge each other with some specific titles. The connotation of “Mera Jism Meri Merzi” or “My Body, My Choice” is important.

As far as, the explanation of every person varies. We must not think of negativity always but positive side of the matter or the mentioned slogan must also be considered. Difference of opinion is good, but it must not lengthen to extremism.

The war of egos, the only winner is the chaos. Giving respect and space to others is the real humility. The sole issue of developing and underdeveloped countries is lack of education

There must not be any objection upon any peaceful protest by anyone unless abiding by the rule of law. This society is already too suppressed and acidic.

Conservatives, Liberals and radicals’ voices are at war. Everyone is trying to force one opinion on another. Why do we not value others opinion? Things are made complicated by all sides. However, the only important thing is the state of tolerance and patience. In the war of narratives vs.

The war of egos, the only winner is the chaos. Giving respect and space to others is the real humility. The sole issue of developing and underdeveloped countries is lack of education.

When there is less education then there will be more disparities and then these flaws would lead to deprivation of due rights especially for less privileged sections of society. As for as abusing any person is concerned, it is unacceptable and highly condemnable irrespective of gender.

Read more: Aurat March: The first glimpse of Aurat March posters received rape, acid attacks threats on social media

If it is observed, it will be clear that all societies and cultures all over the globe are male dominated. Patriarchy is one of the real issues in most of the different human societies.

There are issues and problems regarding women rights all over the world and so is in Pakistan. But the real issue again starts at the basic level where rights of women are not met or are taken for granted.

There are many heinous crimes which are committed in the form of domestic violence, honour killing, female child marriage, deprivation from inherited property, financial dependence (slavery) of men, curse of dowry, rape, child abuse, throwing acid on women and many others too.

It must not be the war of equality but responsibility for each other and it must be kept in mind that the benefits of gender equality are not just for women and girls but for everyone whose lives will be changed by a fairer world. Gender equality is about bringing together people of every gender, age, ability, ethnicity, race, religion and country to mobilise for a gender-equal world we all deserve.

According to UN Development, at current rates of progress on gender equality, it will take 257 years for women to have the same economic opportunities as men. It’s not just a gender gap but it’s a power gap

It must be about dignity and justice.

Women’s necessary and basic rights include education, ensuring women in full, equal and meaningful leadership and peace processes, Economic empowerment, Climate Action, Rights to health coverage, tackling disproportionate share of unpaid care and domestic work of women and girls, addressing hunger and malnutrition among women and girls, ending all forms of violence and harmful practices against all women and girls and their all personalities oriented needed rights and their implementation especially for women of isolated areas.

According to UN Development, at current rates of progress on gender equality, it will take 257 years for women to have the same economic opportunities as men. It’s not just a gender gap but it’s a power gap.

This gap is required to be lessen as far as possible. Recent surveys showed that 32 million girls are still not in school, and men control three quarters of parliamentary seats. Pakistan stands at 4th position of throwing acid on women alone.

Read more: Woman march in Istanbul handled fiercely

According to United Nations (UN), women’s rights are human rights and that gender equality is central to all the global goals. There must be discussions regarding fulfilling all the requirements of all humans and necessarily of women rights.

Double meaning slogans must be avoided. Similarities must be appreciated among humans irrespective of gender and dissimilarities must not be exploited.

There were different deficiencies in Aurat March Agenda and manifestos. The organizers themselves confused their narrative by different minds with not a single clear line of action.

Real issues like condemnation of Domestic violence against women must be the focal slogans with others like forced or without consent marriages.

The blind following of West is not good to carry on and Adam Smith’s Capitalism has not included economic contribution of women which resulted in real disadvantage for women on economic and GDP levels.

In Pakistan, women represent half the population but still they face severe problems at all fronts inside and outside the family

According to a report, In America only 71 percent children face violence from their mothers. West has commodified women and made them sexual object and it is not an ideal system for our society and culture to follow.

In Pakistan, women represent half the population but still they face severe problems at all fronts inside and outside the family.

If a man harms a woman physically and emotionally, we must condemn the criminal instinct and whoever does this must be condemned and punished according to law because It is an issue of criminality and not of gender.

At the End, being a Muslim Society, our religious and spiritual leader and greatest teacher of humanity Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that amongst you, one is best he who treats his wife well.

Read more: ‘Aurat March’ in Pakistan: Feminists vs Mullahs!

Dissent or difference of opinion is healthy practice to exercise. Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah considered women stronger than sword and pen and it encompasses women status in Pakistan.

Dr. Zeeshan Khan is an analyst, commentator, life coach, contributor to the Op-Ed pages of Different Newspapers and doctor at CMH. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.