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Monday, February 24, 2025

Drug overdose: The Cacophony of Relaxants without Prescriptions

Self-medication is a rising norm among the people of subcontinent. From the fear of cost of consultation with a doctor, people find it very easy to prescribe medicine for themselves and this is possible because of the pharma industry hold on the market and easy availability of stress-relaxant medicines in the market

Whilst it’s been essentially proclaimed that stress is one of the leading cause of fatalities. It could be well understood that in a nation where mental health is a taboo and psychiatrist is a doctor for the deranged, stress levels are plummeting with the remedies being next to none.

The pharmacy industry is essentially on the boom in Pakistan where big corporate giants are setting up franchises of pharmacies in the posh vicinity of the country and delivering medications without any valid prescription on the so-called patients’ very doorstep.

These medicines range from mild paracetamols to antibiotics to potential narcotics. Consumers order a variety of medicines from the comfort of their homes without having to prove their need of the said drug and whether it shall help them in any way or not.

The hazards of self-medication are overlooked and popular brands such as ‘Xanax’, ‘Movax’, ‘Lex ilium’ and ‘Lexotinal’ are sold in free trade with seldom any restrictions or hinderances imposed

Self-medication is rather a test of an individual’s intellect in the region of the Subcontinent, where it is considered inapt to visit a doctor for a viral or bacterial infection until the fever gets out of control and the patient must be rushed to the emergency rooms.

The hazards of self-medication are overlooked and popular brands such as ‘Xanax’, ‘Movax’, ‘Lex ilium’ and ‘Lexotinal’ are sold in free trade with seldom any restrictions or hinderances imposed.

The consumer without any instructions or information starts taking the medicine on regular basis and as these medicines have addictive tendency, the individual gets hooked on them and builds immunity.

Read more: Drugs have reached our schools: Imran Khan fights Drug abuse with ‘Zindagi’

Thus, increasing the dose with the passage of time without realizing his changing lifestyle and health patterns. The drug then starts affecting the brain, resulting in fogged memory, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and different aspects of Schizophrenia.

The misunderstanding between a bacterial and viral infection also cause great difficulties for the body to create antibodies when it is given the incorrect medication at the incorrect time. A viral infection cannot be cured with an antibiotic.

When a person takes antibiotics inappropriately or for the wrong ailments, the body gets accustomed to the dosage and the specific formula and hence it becomes ineffective when the medicine is needed.

An epidemiological cross survey in Karachi revealed that 595 (85 %) subjects practiced self-medication. The most common reasons evaluated for self-medication were cost of consultation (90.3 %) and availability of transport (81.0 %)

This causes several cases of recurring illnesses such as dry cough, congestion, migraine and irregularity of the blood pressure.

Modern-day parents in Pakistan have adopted the habit of making their toddlers or adolescents take anti-allergies and antibiotics at every other instance.

This in turn does not let the children develop their own immunity, for it is necessary for a child to meet germs and bacteria for his body to develop its own repulsion and prevention techniques. Children in the region remain deficient and lack the opportunity to gain full potential of their health.

Read more: Opinion: Drugs & the Farcical Euphoria of Fighting Depression

An epidemiological cross survey in Karachi revealed that 595 (85 %) subjects practiced self-medication. The most common reasons evaluated for self-medication were cost of consultation (90.3 %) and availability of transport (81.0 %).

The concept of home delivery and online shopping for serious medicines is a very absurd concept that has taken the country’s metropolitans by storm.

The muscle relaxants and tranquillisers are regularly used in the country as a substitute of Alcohol and hard drugs. This satiates the need and the conscience as well as the individual terms the dosage to be medicinal.

The government should realise the extent of the pressing issue as it is as disagreeable as any narcotics ‘racket, it is just disguised in a sophisticated excuse

The grey line that is underrated may cause an upcoming crisis of health and psychological stability in a nation that is 60% youth.

The drugs of one’s choice can be bought over the counter and without any limit on the quantity, people stock up on the medications to cope with any minor short term restrictions by the government which barely last a week, even that shall be an exaggeration.

The government should realise the extent of the pressing issue as it is as disagreeable as any narcotics ‘racket, it is just disguised in a sophisticated excuse. Actions should be taken against the breaking of not just the law, but the code of ethics.

Read more: I am not using drugs, its a disease: Justin Bieber

As this issue which seems not concerning in the very present like climate change can turn the nation’s future upside down without a warning.

A silent killer is looming on the entire nation masked as a life saver. It is fueled by the businesses who main aim is profit maximization. The country may soon have a rather intelligent alternative to drugs prevailing without any control.

Ali Sheikh teaches fashion and business studies at Roots IVY University. He is a writer and artist that works with acrylics and watercolors. His first novel is under publication. He studied Architecture and Design at the University of Liverpool, UK. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Global Village Space’s editorial policy.