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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Eid is here and like always prices are soaring!

Prices of Essential food items increasing exponentially as Eid draws closer. The markets showing no mercy to the people even during the pandemic

National News is circulating that nationally, the unchecked price increase and the increasing demand have led to an increase in the price of beef by Rs50-100 per kg.

The price of veal meat can go between Rs750 and Rs850 per kg, depending on whether it is with bones or boneless. Compared to the recent prices, the prices before Ramazan were between Rs640 and 740 per kg. (Note: the prices may vary by some units as average has been given above)

According to Tribune, some of the retailers have upped the prices by Rs100 per kg and others by Rs200 per kilogram.

As restaurants close down, the major of the family gatherings during extended Eid holidays would take place at home, and those who can are buying meat to store. The government has strictly issued instructions to cease unnecessary movement of people during Eid days.

The sellers, it is quite possible, have increased the price to cut their losses for the coming days of Eid, which are otherwise quite high demand days for meat shops. However, according to Tribune, meat sellers tribute the increase in price to the increase in the wholesale price.

According to the sellers said the 10kg goat rate has risen by Rs2,000-2,500 in the last one month to Rs13,000.

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According to the source, A two-maund veal price has now reached Rs51,000-52,000 from Rs48,000-50,000 ahead of Ramazan while two months back, it was Rs40,000-44,000.

However, consumer protection from exploitation is one of the major duties of the government and under already constrained income during ongoing pandemic, such exploitation is going to be heavier-than usual for the customers.


On the other hand, the two-week-old inquiry report into the poultry industry revealed that 19 poultry feed companies have been involved in price coordination and their anti-competitive conduct has caused a rise in the price of poultry feed.

The record revealed that officials of 19 feed mills were using an active WhatsApp group where one feed producer would announce the price increase and the rest expressing their willingness to follow suit. They would also discuss new prices and the date they will be implemented, and evidence suggests that all these decisions were enforced.

The existence of cartels is the failure of the Competition Act, 2010, and the case has been seen in various industries like sugar, wheat recently, with inquiries underway.

Read More: Haunted by inflation, PM Imran Khan comes out of his home to check prices

Other Perishables

In the last week before Eid, the price of chicken live bird was gained by Rs3 per kg, fixed at Rs281 per kg, while it sold at Rs350 per kg and chicken meat by Rs43 per kg, fixed at Rs407 per kg, and sold Rs420 to 500 per kg.

The price of potato soft skin new A-grade was increased by RS1 per kg, fixed at Rs42 to 45 per kg, B-Grade Rs36 to 39 per kg, mixed sold at Rs60 per kg, potato white fixed Rs26 to 28 per kg, sold at Rs45 to 50 per kg.

The price of onion A-grade was increased by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs26 to 28 per kg, sold at Rs35 to 40 per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs22 to 24 per kg and C-grade at Rs18 to 20 per kg, B&C grade mixed sold at Rs25 to 30 per kg.

The price of tomato A-grade was reduced by Rs2 per kg, fixed at Rs28 to 30 per kg, sold at Rs40 to 50 kg, B-grade fixed at Rs24 to 26 per kg, and C-grade at Rs20 to 22 per kg, B and C quality mixed sold at Rs30 to 40 per kg.

The price of garlic local was fixed at Rs110 to 115 per kg, sold at Rs120 to 140 per kg, garlic Chinese fixed at Rs155 to 160 per kg, sold at Rs200 to 240 per kg.

Similarly other products saw an increase in price as Eid draws closer and demand increases.

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However, this is not the first time this is happening in Pakistan, and while in the rest of the Muslim world, prices go down using subsidies and other incentives to facilitate people, Pakistani markets see a soaring trend in prices.