On March 24, the world celebrates the International Day Against Depression. Its purpose is to draw people’s attention to mental health problems.
Various stressful events, traumatic circumstances, and unexpressed emotions serve as triggers for the development of depression. For example, all of us are anxious about world events right now, and not everyone can talk to someone about it or express their feelings openly. Even a loss at an online casino with live dealers can be a catalyst to undermine morale.
People carry around a lot of harmful attitudes about how feelings are better kept to themselves and not shown, especially at work. Employees think that expressing emotions in the office will be perceived as incompetence. Therefore, they carefully conceal them. But it is essential to understand that contradictory feelings, displaced into the unconscious, are the trigger for emotional reactions. And the dynamic background affects each employee’s effectiveness.
The ability to recognize and manage a subordinate’s emotions is the key to productive teamwork. And the ability to control and “tune” your state is a direct path to increased personal effectiveness and practical work.
Remember that for good emotional health, it is essential to develop qualities such as:
- Self-awareness;
- Motivation;
- Empathy and respect for others.
Emotion Management
To understand the term “emotional management,” we can draw an analogy with financial management. To manage the flow of money, you need to know where the money comes from, what the currency is, how and for what you can pay with this or that bill, etc.
Similarly, it is essential to understand what you are dealing with to manage emotions. To analyze your feelings and the feelings of those around you and assess how the manifestation of your feelings affects another person. Emotional management is the ability to recognize, accept, and control your own and others’ emotions. Tolerance is getting, and being aware of emotions in yourself and others is essential for all of us.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and sees the world in their own way. Everyone’s feelings must have an outlet. Express your emotions and do not accumulate them inside yourself. After all, they can destroy you from the inside and lead to negative consequences, the deterioration of the psychological state, or psychosomatic manifestation.
For example, you are irritated by lousy weather. In autumn and winter, a sunny day is a rare phenomenon, but we often see gray outside the window. If you know your emotions and can deal with them yourself, it is better to express and discuss them.
If a bad mood because of the inclement weather plunges you into depression and apathy, and alone cope with this condition can not cope, it is worth seeking help from a psychologist. When an emotion or situation is regular, destructive, and interferes with your daily life, you should deal with the causes of feelings with a specialist to improve your quality of life. After all, when we get hurt, we go to a trauma therapist and don’t expect it to go away on its own. It’s the same with mental health; don’t neglect to get help from a professional.
Understand and Experience
For a manager, being aware of your emotions and feelings and identifying them in yourself and others is a valuable skill to help you solve practical problems and achieve your work goals.
People with developed emotional intelligence can negotiate with other people, make decisions and react correctly to adverse situations. Therefore, the ability to understand the emotions of their own and their subordinates is a necessary component of human resource development and the development of the soft skills of the employer.
Today there are special programs for managers to identify their own and their subordinates’ psychological problems and address them correctly. It is like teaching the rules of behavior in accidents at work. For example, if your subordinate has anger issues or is constantly distracted, it is worth paying attention to this and referring them for specialized help. The HR manager can develop such programs in the company or take them from the market.
Employees nowadays are evaluated by employers not only by their intelligence and skills but also by their relations with others and with themselves. Therefore, it is important to develop emotional competence in yourself. Where do you start? With an awareness of what is happening. Don’t succumb to emotions, especially negative ones, don’t make conclusions under the influence of feelings, and don’t make sudden movements in times of anger. Learn to separate feelings from yourself and evaluate the situation that provoked them. If you can separate yourself and your emotions, you will learn to control and correct them. Allow yourself to process the feeling, do a breathing practice, or slowly count to ten in a moment of anger. If the negative emotions are triggered by, for example, a work correspondence and you are not sure about your reaction at the moment, it is worth giving yourself some time and sending a response email later. Therefore, losing in Live Roulette should be perceived as a minor setback rather than a tragedy. It will help you to treat any failures more simply and easily.
These are basic recommendations that are useful for anyone.
Personal qualities for practical work
There are several personal qualities that employers especially value in employees, but it is recommended to develop these qualities for everyone. They allow people to increase their efficiency, maintain mental health and work productively.
Understanding one’s feelings allow a person to manage his state and make the right decisions intelligently. In addition, it often indicates that he has critical thinking and can assess his strengths, which is helpful in his work.
The skill of controlling one’s state of mind will make work easier, not more detrimental. Also, by controlling one’s reactions, one can recover faster from emotional shocks and stay in line to achieve global goals over long distances.
To walk the path to the goal, a person must have a proper motivation that will cause them to be proactive, make them go to the goal step by step, remaining efficient and persistent despite the likely obstacles.
Empathy and respect for others
These qualities help a person in a team and simply in society to maintain a harmonious relationship with others and find common ground with them.
Informality in communication
A quality that is especially important if a person can control his emotions and be tactful in different situations. It allows him to find a common language with other people and the employee at work – to convince and direct colleagues, smooth out contradictions, and establish cooperation even under challenging circumstances.