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Monday, February 17, 2025

Five ways to stop a runny nose

There are many home remedies you can try to get relief from a runny nose without using medication. None of these remedies are designed to actually cure or completely get rid of the underlying causes of runny noses — namely colds, viral infections, or allergies. These approaches will only give you relief. Make sure to seek more direct treatment if you’re experiencing colds, viruses, and allergies.

With winters come uninvited allergies and an overall low immunity of the body. There are a few reasons why you might get a runny nose. The most common is a viral infection of the sinuses — typically the common cold. In other cases, a runny nose may be due to allergieshay fever, or other causes.


Something irritating or inflaming the nasal tissue of the nose is what causes it to become runny. To a stop a runny nose, a person will either need to stop what is irritating or inflaming their nose or take medications that will help reduce the inflammation and production of mucus.

A runny nose is the body’s way of getting rid of any germs that might be irritating or inflaming it. The nose produces clear mucus, which can turn yellow or green after a few days.

In medical literature, professionals call a runny nose rhinorrhea. A person may have a runny nose because they are allergic to something, due to a viral or bacterial infection, or as a result of of environmental factors such as temperature.

A runny nose can be one of the most annoying symptoms of the common cold. Thankfully, there are several natural and home remedies to try.

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  1. Having a hot drink

A hot drink is a traditional, well-known remedy for a cold. In fact, there is some science to back up this home treatment. A 2009 study published in Rhinology found that drinking a hot beverage helped to reduce the symptoms of a cold.

The study noted that the effect might be mainly psychological, but it also identified a physical reaction. The hot drink stimulated a nerve linked to the oral and nasal cavities, which may explain the relief of cold symptoms.

  1. Hot steam inhalations

There are different ways to perform a hot steam inhalation, but the basic idea is the same. A person adds herbs or essential oils to hot water, leans over the water, and breathes in the steam.

2015 study published in the Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences looked at ways steam inhalations containing various additives helped to treat symptoms of the common cold.

The study found that symptoms improved faster and more effectively with inhalations than without. In addition to inhaling steam from a hot cup of tea, try a facial steam. Here’s how:

  • Heat clean water in a clean pot on your stove. Heat it just enough so that steam is created —DON’T let it get to a boil.
  • Place your face above the steam for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Take deep breaths through your nose. Take breaks if your face gets too hot.
  • Blow your nose afterward to get rid of mucus.

Read more: How antibiotics may render flu infections more dangerous!

  1. A hot bath

A person can likely get some of the benefits of steam inhalation while soaking in a hot bath. Resting in a hot bath will naturally lead to inhaling some steam, while also helping to relax the muscles of the body.

  1. Neti pots

A neti pot is a device that looks like a small teapot. People use it to flush out the nose and sinuses. To use a neti pot, a person should lean over the sink, tilt their head sideways, and pour water from the pot into one nostril until the pot is empty.

If done right, the water will be released from the opposite nostril. The person should then refill the pot and repeat the process on the other side.

Neti pots may seem like a strange concept, and they are a bit messier than nasal sprays. However, they can be effective at clearing up a runny nose. Various brands are available to purchase online.

2009 study in The Journal of Family Practice found that “large-volume, low-pressure irrigation,” such as that achieved using a neti pot, was more effective than nasal spray at improving the investigated nasal sinusitis symptoms, including a runny nose.

  1. Chili nasal spray or spicy food

2016 review published in Current Allergy and Asthma Reports found that nasal spray containing capsaicin — the compound that gives chili peppers their heat — could effectively treat non-allergic rhinitis. This condition causes a runny nose, among other symptoms.

Spicy food can initially make a runny nose worse. However, the authors noted that capsaicin is unique among natural irritants because the mild irritation it causes is followed by a long-lasting period during which symptoms significantly improve. While capsaicin nasal spray has proven effective, people are not advised to make their own at home, using chili powder.

Tested brands are available to purchase online. A person with a runny nose may also benefit from eating the spiciest food they can handle. The runny nose is likely to get worse during the meal, but any sinus congestion may improve shortly after the meal is finished.

Read more: Simple ways to get soft and healthy skin this winter!

Tips for coping with a runny nose

The following are some straightforward tips to help clear up a runny nose and make the whole experience less unpleasant:

Use soft, essential oil-infused tissues. One of the most irritating parts of having a runny nose is rubbing the skin raw by continually wiping it. Using extra-soft, essential oil-infused tissues may soothe raw skin and prevent further irritation. These tissues are also available online.

Use the most effective remedies just before bed. Sleep is essential for mood and overall health, not least when recovering from a cold. Use the most effective treatments at bedtime to ensure a restful night.

Focus on relaxing at home until the problem clears up. It might be hard to enjoy a social event while feeling self-conscious about a runny nose. Viewing the symptom as a reason to stay home and focus on recovery can be helpful.

When to see a doctor

A runny nose is typically not a medical emergency. However, it can be a symptom of certain chronic or acute conditions, such as a sinus infection or rhinitis. If a runny nose does not begin to improve after a few days, it may be a good idea to consult a doctor, especially if the person is also experiencing flu-like symptoms.