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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Hira Mani criticized for promoting skin whitening cream

Fans were not too happy with Hira Mani after she posted a video endorsing skin whitening products on her Instagram. Fans schooled her and reminded her how important it is to be a good role model and influence people the right way.

Hira Mani has made a place in the A-listers of the drama industry. After getting established in the industry, we have seen Hira Mani endorse many products and do concerts and shows internationally. Hira’s latest promotional campaign is for a whitening cream. The advertisement goes like the typical clickbait stuff of getting white within three days.

Skin lightening is not uncommon in South Asian countries as fairer skin is perceived to be more beautiful. It has even seen celebrities endorse skin-lightening products in the past.

Even in Pakistan, Ayeza Khan faced a lot of backlash for promoting a whitening cream while other actresses as well as models talked about the colorism present in Pakistan.

It is less common now as more stars have shunned them, instead encouraging others to embrace their natural skin tone. But Pakistani TV actress Hira Mani has now come under fire for promoting a new skin-lightening product.

Read more: Hira Mani trolled for speaking Siri-styled English in interview

She took to Instagram to share a video of herself using Skin White 3-Day Glow. The video featured three looks at herself. Meanwhile, she narrates that fair and glowing skin will be achieved after three days of using the cream.

Hira captioned the video:

“Secret for glowing and spotless skin is Skin White 3 Day Glow Night Cream with Jojoba Oil which fades away blemishes, dark spots, evens out skin tone and makes skin fair and glowing in just 3 days.”

Given the controversy surrounding skin-lightening products, it was no surprise that Hira was called out for promoting such a cream.

One person said: “White skin is not chamak. All skin colors are beautiful in their own way.

“Stop this obsession with white skin.”

Another user commented: “Stop the endorsements of beauty creams.”

A third person wrote: “Every skin color is beautiful. Be happy in the skin you are in, don’t join the rat race.”

Slamming Hira for promoting a skin-lightening product, many people on social media were outraged.

One person was skeptical that the product does not achieve results in three days while also criticizing Hira, writing:

A user said: “You people promote cheap things for money.”

Another told her: “Shame on you, do you have any morality, why you promote this kind of third class harmful creams.”

One comment read: “Stop promoting skin whitening products. Let people accept themselves as they are. Fair is not beautiful.”

Hira Mani is frequently subjected to trolling and criticism for many other things in the past. Her problematic statements have been the topic of controversy many times in the past.