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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

How Body Corporates Can Protect Strata Communities from Coronavirus

Coronavirus has turned the entire world upside down. From homes and offices to stores and travel hubs, procedure and operations have been limited and focused on preventing the spread of the disease. However, in a strata community, the closeness of residents can worsen infectious diseases like COVID-19 and cause them to spread more easily.

A body corporate for a strata community sets the tone for how management of health concerns like COVID-19 are handled. Owners have a responsibility to protect each other and the residents of the community to maintain and ensure the health of the community as a whole.

Keep reading to learn how your body corporation can help to limit the spread of disease throughout your strata community.

Tips for Protecting Your Strata Community from COVID-19


  • Provide Preventative Measures


“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. When it comes to the highly infectious and dangerous coronavirus, every preventative measure possible should be taken to keep residents safe. This includes providing information about social distancing measures to residents and guidelines on how to protect themselves in public and at home.

Hands-free entrances, including automatic doors or keeping doors to common areas open can be a good way to limit the contact individuals have with each other when navigating the property.

Ventilation is also important, as COVID-19 can spread through recycled air in confined spaces. Open windows, doors, and preventing too many people from gathering in one area at a time all can limit the airborne germs that each person encounters.

Providing health and safety supplies like hand sanitizer stations in common areas or gloves and masks can also help keep people from spreading disease. Additionally, handwashing stations can prevent one of the most dangerous forms of transmission – touching.

For any tenants who prove to be infected with COVID-19, body corporations can also schedule cleaning services for their lot to avoid the spread after quarantine is complete.



  • Organize Sterilization of Common Areas


While you can limit the number of people in common areas or restrict access at times, they cannot be closed forever. To allow for areas like gyms, playgrounds, or other common areas to be used safely, body corporations can organize designated cleaning days or times. Professional-level disinfecting can get rid of any germs that are present in the area, protecting the next wave of people who use them.



  • Move and Organize Meetings Online


Perhaps the simplest way to protect a strata community from spreading disease is to limit in-person meetings, such as owner committee meetings. Through the use of video chatting applications, these meetings can move to the safety of the internet while still accomplishing the managerial tasks required of the body corporation.

Keep your Strata Community Safe from the Pandemic

In a global pandemic like Coronavirus has caused, the safety of neighbors and fellow community members is paramount. Keep things clean, maintain social distancing procedure, and limit unnecessary gatherings. By implementing these best practices for avoiding the spread of germs, you can limit the disease’s effect on your strata property. 


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