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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Humanity in the face of an ecological apocalypse

The imminent danger the world currently is besetting with is an apocalypse in offing whether it’s total war, technological disruption, pandemic or ecological collapse. For history bears testimony that when civilizations touch their pinnacle, they often commit suicidal blunders inviting their extinction.

Sir Francis Bacon was a staunch critic of scientific method development but being a philosophical-scientific giant, atheists are gung-ho to recruit him as a supporter of unbelief. Again they do so in vain, as Bacon’s religious views are clearly reflective of Christian beliefs. In his disdain for atheism, Bacon explicitly notes “They that deny a God destroy man’s nobility; for certainly man is of kin to the beasts in his body; and, if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature.”

If a drawing is worth a million words, it was perhaps the deep-seated image of a scurrying kangaroo contouring against a wall of fire that withered the ongoing Australian bush fire tragedy on the international consciousness. Also known as the Black Summer, 2019-20 Australian bush fire burnt an estimated 18.6 million hectares with an estimated one billion animals completely evaporated from the face of the earth.

It often goes so that human being play a key role to maintain ecological balance because they have the highest thinking capacity as compared to other living organisms. It has been said that man is a rational animal but the whole life-span is even incomplete to search for evidence which could support this premise.

Irony does not end here. The so-called wisdom of Aboriginal officials let them approve the killing of up to 10,000 camels as a region battling scorching heat and long drought deals with animals searching for water. Officials in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in northwest South Australia brazenly defends the inhumane decision of the “aerial cull” after listening to requests for help from residents who say camels and other feral are searching for water by threatening the APY communities in the current ongoing dry conditions.

A seemingly absurd and contradictory stance when it leads to a conclusion that is logically unacceptable and self-contradictory that on the one hand media is abuzz with images of vehicles full of koalas rescued from Australian bush fire; and a massive “aerial cull” of camels from choppers to sustain water-supply on the other. Such paradoxes are myriad when in the delusion of grandeur, the man takes such ambivalent decisions; when to water his atheist impulses, man violates the delicate decorum of nature.

Read more: Australia bush fires flare as heatwave brings renewed misery

When God created this universe, He contrived an ecological balance to maintain the equilibrium between living organisms such as human beings, plants, and animals as well as their environment. The survival of all organisms is actualized due to ecological balance. It often goes so that human being plays a key role to maintain ecological balance because they have the highest thinking capacity as compared to other living organisms. It has been said that man is a rational animal but the whole life-span is even incomplete to search for evidence that could support this premise.

For history is full of examples when man portrayed to be rational, they first put nature on the backburner by announcing the death of God to express their idea of ‘enlightenment’—as Nietzche did. For instance, God proposed marriage indispensable for a sustainable family system; man disposed of that with his ‘enlightened’ vision of extra-marital life to such extent that on verge of death he has to take refuge in old homes rather than spending his last moments of life with his family. God delineated women’s rights in His scripture, but the man in his advocacy of women’s rights exaggerated the women’s freedoms to such level that in Europe, men stopped solemnizing marriages to ward off wives’ cruelties qua their over-deluging spheres of liberty.

Today in the 21st century, the Carona virus has every potential of Black Death. And till to date notwithstanding the modern advances in medicine, man seems to be helpless to cope with this deadly virus.

China adopted a one-child policy to control over-population in line with its resources but then reverted back after realizing that delicate man-woman population balance was quint-essential to avert new havocs by ultimately bowing before the process of natural selection. Now the latest ‘wisdom’ comes from Australia where a widespread massacre of camels occurred to sustain water-supply for other animal species as in the modern world God is no more to maintain the ecological equilibrium.

It seems so that there exists a secret yearning of the parallel godhead in man’s sub-consciousness for he wants to give someone life and wants someone dead solely based upon his capriciousness. As in this case, koalas are being survived while at par camels are to be shot down by ‘rational’ animals. In a nut-shell, where man via his ignorant thinking tried to find solutions by terming God obsolete, he ended upon begetting more problems aptly peppered with titanic bloopers.

Read more: More Cities Turn “Ghost” as Coronavirus Spreads Across China

The desire to create a parallel deity is disastrous for the future of mankind. It’s sheer ignorance on part of man. The true wisdom finds in the universe so many forms of organization, system, law, and adjustment of means to ends. That’s why Will Durant believes in cosmic intelligence and conceives God as the life, mind, order, and law of the world. If by God we mean not the creative vitality of nature, the answer must be a reluctant negative. Even the skeptical historian develops a humble respect for religion since he sees it functioning, and seemingly indispensable, in every land and age.

The adult franchise elected Parliament if decides that homosexual marriages are the epitome of unbridled freedoms, the effect of this new moral law as an upshot of Parliamentary sovereignty—parallel divinity on earth—is to dampen the worst of moral disorder—sensuality, drunkenness, coarseness, greed, dishonesty, robbery and violence.

For history bears testimony that when civilizations touch their pinnacle, they often commit suicidal blunders inviting their extinction. On top of the list is to depart from religion by establishing a Hedonism-based mundane code

The imminent danger of the ecological changes in the world currently is besetting with an apocalypse in offing whether it’s total war, technological disruption, pandemic or ecological collapse. For history bears testimony that when civilizations touch their pinnacle, they often commit suicidal blunders inviting their extinction. On top of the list is to depart from religion by establishing a Hedonism-based mundane code. Which everyone sensible is foreseeing now is horrific. The list of human sins like enormous emission of CFCs in sync with rapid industrialization is behind rising temperatures as a consequence of which this recent Australian bush fire set billions of species ablaze.

Adding fuel to the fire is the widespread massacre of more than 10,000 camels by those who are the so-called champions of animal rights. Heart-wrenching scenes of animals’ miseries make one’s heart shedding the tears of blood. The problem with blood is that it attracts more blood. The Black Death, also known as the Great Plague, in the 14th century was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history that caused deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people in Eurasia. Today in the 21st century, the Coronavirus has every potential of Black Death. And till to date notwithstanding the modern advances in medicine, the man seems to be helpless to cope with this deadly virus. Isn’t this the clarion call by nature to let the world to mend its atheist ways?

Read more: Trump rejects environmental ‘prophets of doom’

It was not without the reason that once a great emperor whose empire was stretched over 2.2 million square miles of land made this loud declaration: “Even if one dog on account of thirst be found dead on the bank of Dajla, Omar will be held accountable hereinafter.” Today who is responsible for the death of billions of animal and bird species including 10,000 camels? Nature has its own system of warning. When the end looks nigh, God forbids, first animals and then human-shaped-animals have to face the music of nature which is all but an all-out decimation. May Allah shower His mercy upon our planet Earth.

Ali Abbas is a lawyer based in Islamabad and currently working with a law firm namely Kharal & Co. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.