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Thursday, February 27, 2025

India & Bangladesh surpassed Pakistan in development: PM Khan

According to PM Khan, for a society to prosper, it is important to maintain rule of law. In this regard, he said India and Bangladesh have fared comparatively better than Pakistan on development. Maintaining and upholding a country's rule of law is crucial and for this judiciaries need to be independent.

Tuesday, PM Khan addressed the groundbreaking of the new building for district courts in Islamabad. The new building will house 93 courtrooms. The Capital Development Authority (CDA) will use ‘latest technology’ to complete the project on time.

At the ceremony, while highlighting the importance of maintaining rule of law, PM Khan said the world has surpassed Pakistan, including Bangladesh and India.

Every nation prospers because it honors the law. PM Khan said “Banana republics” do not suffer due to a lack of resources, but they suffer due to lack of law.

He lamented how in the past courts failed to ensure swift justice because powerful people did not want to be held accountable. For a society to prosper, justice, along with education and health, play an important role.

Read more: PM Khan claims to continue struggle for rule of law, purging country of corruption

Interestingly, PM Khan said India and Bangladesh, the two South Asian states, surpassed Pakistan in development. He recalled how there were predictions that Pakistan will prosper after West Bengal, however, Bangladesh became more successful.

According to reports, In 1971, Pakistan was 70% richer than Pakistan; today, Bangladesh is 45% richer than Pakistan.

On India PM Khan said, “When I went India for cricket matches, I thought I arrived in a rich nation.”

He further added that these countries progressed because of the rule of law. He then explained why he is a staunch supporter of Madina-e-Riyasat.

Read more: Pakistan’s biggest issue is rule of law not corruption

Madina-e-Riyasat: A phenomenon that brought Muslim victory

According to PM Khan, Muslim rule in Madina is a “phenomenon” that needs to be studied. It is a historical event that brought Muslims victory over the world, and that was again, due to rule of law.

As a result, schools need to teach this historical event so that the future generation may understand the principles and values that lead a nation to success.

He quoted the Prophet’s Hadith on accountability and stated that all schools should teach it. PM Khan also said that it is unfortunate how Pakistan is split into two Pakistans, with different sets of rules for each.

PM Khan was referring to how there is a lack of accountability within the country and the clear division between the powerful and the helpless. Often, the powerful misuse their financial strength and escape accountability.

Read more: Pakistan’s Age of Accountability: Will it sustain itself?

“The powerful always want to remain above the law,” PM Khan said. Therefore, as per PM Khan, it is necessary that the judiciary is independent.

Lawyers’ Movement was an epic struggle: PM Khan

While highlighting the importance of rule of law, PM Khan said he joined the “epic struggle” because it stood up to a military dictator for the cause of an “independent judiciary”.

In March 2007, former President and Army Chief Musharraf unconstitutionally suspended Iftikhar Chaudhry as the Chief Justice of Pakistan’s Supreme Court.

The decision sparked mass protest, known as the Lawyers’ Movement or Movement for the Restoration of Judiciary.

“It was an epic and democratic struggle for the rule of law,” PM Khan said. However, he added that he was disappointed because the movement took a different turn.

In October 2007, Musharraf issued the controversial National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). The ordinance granted amnesty to politicians, political workers, and bureaucrats who were accused of corruption. The Supreme Court termed it unconstitutional.

Read more: Did NRO compromise Pakistan’s moral values?