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Friday, February 14, 2025

India responds to PM Khan in UNGA: Repeats the old narrative & avoids Kashmir?

As expected Indian Mission at the UN again accused Pakistan of sponsoring terrorism. But response was muted and all attempts were made to avoid any mention of the real issues in Kashmir. But PM Imran Khan was all directed towards human situation in Kashmir and Modi's past with terrorist organisation, RSS. This is something India does not want to touch?

India has used the right to reply at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to counter Prime Minister Imran Khan’s yesterday speech. Vidisha Maitra, India’s First Secretary at the Permanent Mission to the UN, responded to the Pakistani premier and raised questions from her side. Overall, Indian response is a jumble of diplomatic expressions, academic jargons and old terms to the speech of PM Khan who broke conventions in exposing, Narendra Modi, the India Prime Minister and his fascist ideology which has endangered peace in South Asia.

“Unfortunately,” said Vidisha Maitra, “what we heard today from Prime Minister Imran Khan of Pakistan was a callous portrayal of the world in binary terms. Us vs Them; Rich vs Poor; North vs South; Developed Vs Developing; Muslims vs Others. A script that fosters divisiveness at the United Nations. Attempts to sharpen differences and stir up hatred, are simply put – “hate speech”.

She was referring to the premier’s remarks on how the elites in the developing world have made alliance with the elites of the developed countries which provide them with safe heaven to protect their looted money. Since Pakistan has been one of biggest victim of money laundering, the premier is, therefore, is concerned about it.

She further noted that “Prime Minister Khan’s threat of unleashing nuclear devastation qualifies as brinksmanship, not statesmanship”. She was alluding to the premier’s ‘warning’ that if the international community does not take any interest in what is happening in India occupied Kashmir then it may ultimately lead to a war between two nuclear-armed countries. PM Khan clarified “this is not a threat. This is a warning.”

While coming to RSS and PM Modi’s life-time membership, the premier went on saying: “Now I must explain what RSS is. Modi is a life member (of RSS).

Moreover, Indian First Secretary outlined some questions and demanded answers from Pakistan:

  • Can Pakistan confirm the fact that it is home to 130 UN-designated terrorists and 25 terrorist entities listed by the UN, as of today?
  • Will Pakistan acknowledge that it is the only Government in the world that provides pension to an individual listed by the UN in the Al Qaeda and Da’esh Sanctions list!
  • Can Pakistan explain why here in New York, its premier bank, the Habib Bank had to shut shop after it was fined millions of dollars over terror financing?
  • Will Pakistan deny that the Financial Action Task Force has put the country on notice for its violations of more than 20 of the 27 key parameters?
  • And would Prime Minister Khan deny to the city of New York that he was an open defender of Osama bin Laden?

She also noted that “this a country that has shrunk the size of its minority community from 23% in 1947 to 3% today and has subjected Christians, Sikhs, Ahmadiyas, Hindus, Shias, Pashtuns, Sindhis and Balochis to draconian blasphemy laws, systemic persecution, blatant abuse and forced conversions”.

She concluded by saying “Pakistan’s virulent reaction to the removal of an outdated and temporary provision that was hindering development and integration of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir stems from the fact that those who thrive on conflict never welcome the ray of peace”.

PM Khan Exposed Life-time RSS Member, PM Modi

In his speech at the UNGA, PM Khan highlighted not only the atrocities Indian army is committing in IoK but also offered a detailed explanation of who Modi is and where does he belong to?

The premier started off “(Indian Prime Minister Narendra) Modi said there were terrorist attacks from Pakistan. We said well we have attacks in Balochistan from your end. Unfortunately, we didn’t make any headway. Our foreign minister was at the UNGA but they cancelled the meeting. Meanwhile a 20-year-old Kashmiri boy blew himself up at the Indian convoy. And India blamed us”.

Read more: Killings at Pathribal: Indian RSS led Terrorism exposed before World

Then PM Khan elaborated what he did subsequently: “I spoke to the Indian public on television. I said if you give us any iota of proof, we will immediately take action, because we have clamped down on these groups. They bombed us (instead), and we retaliated”.

Furthermore, the Prime Minister said that “In his election campaign, Mr Modi used words like ‘This is just a trailer. The movie is about to start’ and ‘I went into Pakistan and taught them a lesson’.”

While coming to RSS and PM Modi’s life-time membership, the premier went on saying: “Now I must explain what RSS is. Modi is a life member (of RSS). It is an organization inspired by Hitler and Mussolini. They believe in racial purity and superiority. They believe they are an Aryan race.

They believe in the ethnic cleansing of Muslims. They believe a golden age of Hindu rule was stopped by Muslims and then the British occupation. What kind of people bring in 900,000 troops for eight million people? These are human beings,” said Prime Minister Imran to applause from the audience.

“What comes with Aryan superiority is arrogance and it makes people commit mistakes and do stupid, cruel things like what Modi has done. It is arrogance that has blinded Modi. Has he thought about what will happen after the curfew in Kashmir is lifted?, PM Khan said.

Read more: PM Khan’s successful visit to UNGA: A New Pakistan on the international stage

Political commentators believe that the focus of the debate has deliberately been shifted by India. Whenever it comes to Kashmir and stark human rights violations, Indian media and authorities bring in tags like terrorism and Islamic radicalism. Dr. Moeed Pirzada, prominent political analyst, wrote that “if Pakistanis wanted world to perceive Kashmiri problem as a human rights issue, Indian strategists wanted to turn it into a mindless militancy later called terrorism. Al Faran episode in 1995 when western tourists were abducted and killed was part of the Indian strategy and it worked very well.

Many such incidents had to follow. Most Indigenous Kashmiri struggle collapsed in early 1990’s and Pakistanis tried sustaining it by sending non-Kashmiri militants into Kashmir. That was a huge blunder. Even if they had not been “Islamists” in character this represented a cultural clash (like the presence of Indian military in Kashmir itself from other parts of India) but their Islamist character was very helpful to Indian planners who from the very beginning tried the movement to become Islamist or communal against other religious groups rather than that of Kashmiris being suppressed by an occupying power ie Delhi.”