In October 2023, WhatsApp introduced multi-account support for Android, delighting users who had long requested the ability to use two accounts on a single device. Now, WhatsApp is extending this convenience to iPhone users. According to WABetaInfo, the popular messaging app is testing the feature on iOS, offering a glimpse of what’s to come for those managing multiple accounts on one device.
Journey to Multi-Account Support
For years, users sought ways to use multiple WhatsApp accounts without needing separate devices or cumbersome workarounds. Android users relied on app cloning or the WhatsApp Business app trick to run two accounts. With multi-account support officially rolled out to Android in late 2023, WhatsApp eliminated the need for these measures, enabling users to manage two accounts within the primary app seamlessly.
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iPhone users, however, were left waiting—until now. Multi-account support is currently in development for iOS, with early indications of its functionality discovered in version of WhatsApp’s beta app for iOS. Although not yet available to beta testers, this development marks a significant milestone.
How the Feature Will Work on iOS
The multi-account feature for iPhones is expected to work similarly to its Android counterpart. Users will be able to link two different accounts, each tied to a unique phone number, and switch between them easily. The process will eliminate the need for secondary apps or separate devices.
WABetaInfo suggests that users will have two methods to add accounts:
- Primary Account Setup: Users can create a new account directly within the app.
- QR Code Linking: A second account can be added by scanning a QR code, offering a quick and user-friendly option.
Each account will function independently, with separate chats, notifications, backups, and settings. This will be especially useful for those managing personal and professional accounts or for users with dual-SIM devices who wish to keep both numbers active on one app.
Benefits of Multi-Account Support
The new feature will bring several advantages:
- Simplified Management: Users will no longer need to rely on workarounds like the WhatsApp Business app to manage multiple accounts.
- Seamless Switching: Switching between accounts will be effortless, reducing delays and enhancing usability.
- Greater Organisation: Separate settings and backups for each account will help keep personal and professional conversations distinct.
These updates will also streamline operations for users who currently juggle two phones or use app-cloning techniques to manage multiple accounts.
Timeline for Release
Although the feature is in active development, it is not yet accessible to beta testers. iOS users enrolled in the TestFlight beta program may see it in future updates over the next few months. Once testing is complete, WhatsApp will roll out multi-account support globally.
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For now, iPhone users will need to remain patient, but the testing phase indicates a promising future. By introducing this feature, WhatsApp is closing the gap between its Android and iOS offerings, ensuring a consistent experience for users across platforms.