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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Is NAP a challenge or an opportunity?

Mohammad Ali Babakhel | Nov 02, 2016

Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long,you miss them.”

— William Arthur Ward

After 22 months of the formulation of 20 points National Action Plan (NAP), debate regarding its implementation gave birth to a number of questions. Before the drafting of the NAP, national consensus regarding tackling the challenge of militancy and terrorism was a missing link. The NAP depicts that with political ownership, clarity, better civil-military understanding, coordination and public support, we may effectively respond to the challenge and convert it into an opportunity for structural readjustment. Undoubtedly, the formulation of the NAP was not only a right step for consolidating anti-terrorism efforts but it also raised public expectations. Before formulation of the NAP, provinces and the centre enacted laws and raised counter-terrorism forces but the NAP for the first time consolidated legislative, administrative, institutional and reformative steps to be implemented by the centre and provinces.

To read full article click on this link: Express Tribune

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