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Friday, February 21, 2025

Is there a dispute between U.S intelligence fraternity and Trump administration over Iran?

News Analysis |

U.S state department published an unclassified annual report about the International compliance of Arms control and serious concerns were voiced by U.S intelligence agencies and even from officials within the State Department, leading to the withdrawal of report from website hours later, Reuters reported exclusively.

It is part of the U.S State Department’s job to issue an annual report for the Congress highlighting the existing global environment regarding arms control and non-proliferation. This year’s report, however, was seen too skewed to present Iran as per the ongoing targeted campaign by Trump administration which included a declaration of Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization.

Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran and major powers of the world, the arrangement was to the benefit of everyone except Israel and Saudi Arabia.

It is not the first time that intelligence reports are tampered to suit the ongoing political narrative of the incumbent administration. Since the majority of top officials of intelligence agencies and key departments are appointed at the behest of the president, they are prone to return the favor with such reports which suit the administration’s political goal.

But it seems as if intelligence agencies fear that a crisis is being created out of the blue this time around since Iran has been repeatedly declared by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as adhering to the commitment under 2015 nuclear deal. In fact, after President Donald Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal and imposed fresh sanctions over Iran, the country is still holding its end of the deal signed with Obama administration.

The Dark Past of False Intelligence

Another reason for intelligence community of the United States to course correct the administration could be the dark past which is related to fake intelligence reports generated and the consequences it brought afterward. To justify the invasion of Iraq, George Bush administration used intelligence reports that Iraq had in possession weapons of mass destruction which later turned out to be a mere hoax.

Read more: Iran abides by nuclear treaty even after the U.S sanction: Why?

The pattern is apparently identical in case of Iran as well. Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran and major powers of the world, the arrangement was to the benefit of everyone except Israel and Saudi Arabia. Both these countries had repeatedly voiced their concerns about the leniency President Obama had been showing toward Iran.

The 12-page report which is way short than the previous year’s 45-page one seems to be focused just on Iran to make it look like the next plausible target for the United States of America. The report cited no Intelligence report or even any concern raised by IAEA over Iran’s ambitions toward proliferation of weapons of mass destruction instead it said Iran’s retention of a nuclear archive disclosed last year by Israel raised questions about whether Tehran might have plans to resume a nuclear weapons program.

Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces and New START arms control treaty are null and void and it has increased the chances of militarization of Europe once again.

United States of America has no reason to fear Iran as the country is way below par the economic and military strength to take on power like USA. But it’s the nature of relations which it has with Israel and Saudi Arabia which is compelling it to go to such lengths. At a time when United States has to turn on face-saving mode in Afghanistan, it is absurd to look for an adventure with another country in the vicinity.

No Mention of Russia

Contrary to Iran, in the recent past, Russia has pulled out of treaties which were signed during the cold war time to stop the proliferation of weapons. Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces and New START arms control treaty are null and void and it has increased the chances of militarization of Europe once again.

Read more: How efficient are U.S sanctions on Iran to bring the country…

But the unclassified “Adherence to and compliance with arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament agreements, and commitments” report conveniently omitted the assessment. But it should not be surprising since a soft hand on Russia has been a trademark of Donald Trump term in the oval office.