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Friday, February 14, 2025

Islamabad Weather Strikes: PM Khan Directs CDA To Facilitate Azaadi March Participants

Notwithstanding acute differences with JUI-F, PM Khan extends a humanitarian gesture towards his detractors. He has directed CDA to assess how the government can facilitate the Azaadi March participants.

Prime Minister Imran Khan won Pakistani hearts again with his latest tweet in which he announced that he has directed Chairman CDA to immediately visit the Azaadi March site and assess how the government can facilitate the demonstrators living by the roadside. Adding that decision has been taken owing to the changing weather condition in Islamabad.

With the onset of rain and drop in temperature in Islamabad, Azaadi March participants are anticipated to be confronting with severe problems. Hence, the federal government will make arrangements to facilitate the demonstrators according to the assessment of CDA, which mainly includes the provision of food, medicines, tents, and blanket from protection from rain and cold.

Yet again, PM Khan is garnering praise on social media for his humanitarian gesture to his opponents. Prominent anchorperson Arshad Sharif appreciated Imran Khan for his humanitarian gesture.

Read more: You Can Come Out On Streets & Do Whatever, There’ll Be No NRO: Imran Khan Fights Back

Earlier, PM Khan had claimed to offer all the basic provisions to demonstrators coming to Islamabad with JUI-F’s Azaadi March. He made such claims when his opponents threatened to topple his government through his party, PTI-styled, dharna and demonstrators.

PM Khan instead of stopping them promised to facilitate the protestors with all the basic provisions once they come to Islamabad. He even claimed to provide his container to JUI-F’s leader Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman.

With his latest announcement, he seems to have to come to terms with his promises. Meanwhile, social media is brimming with various tweets from government officials drawing comparisons between the leadership and empathy of Imran Khan and Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman.

Read more: No NRO for Corrupt at any cost: Imran Khan stands firm for Pakistan

Various pictures posted by the PTI senator showed how Imran Khan had led the protestors on roads with examples. He slept and ate in the container despite having home in Islamabad. On the other hand, Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman, chose to live in his house in Islamabad and only came to the Azaadi March spot when has to address the people. While demonstrators are left unattended under the bare sky in cold nights.

While this might be solely his decision to facilitate the demonstrators, several journalists and intellectuals have raised concern on social media on the arrangements made for protestors following the change in weather in Islamabad.