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Monday, February 24, 2025

Jinnah was Right & Gandhi was Wrong: Indian politician blasts over CAA

While Congress decries the divisive CAA and declares it a victory of two-nation theory and gateway to the creation of a Hindu Rashtra, the hounding of Muslims since 2014 has already vindicated the Jinnah’s argument of a separate homeland for Muslims.

While Bharatiya Janta Party is adamant to proceed with the controversial Citizenship Amendment Bill, the anti-CAB voices within the Indian parliament alert that the bill will vindicate Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s two-nation theory.

Shashi Tharoor, the MP Congress, rebutted CAA, arguing that it resonates with Jinnah’s two-nation theory. Stipulating that India should not criticize Pakistan for creating a Muslim theocratic state when it is itself heading towards the establishment of a Hindu Rashtra.

He added that if CAA passes it will mark the victory of Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision over Gandhi’s; it will dismantle the constitutionally mandated secularism of India. India cannot reject Pakistan while advocating the same logic as Pakistan, argued Shashi Tharoor in the parliament.

Read more: Kisi Kay Bap Ka Hindustan Nahin Hay: Indian Muslims assert!

Tharoor warned that while Indian soil had been partitioned in 1947, CAA will be the partition of the Indian soul. He requested the BJP government to reverse CAA. His argument echoes the cries of millions of Indians who are in extreme angst against the anti-Muslim discriminatory, CAB.


He had also penned down a point-by-point rebuttal of Home Minister Amit Shah and other BJP leaders defense for the divisive CAA.

The Citizen Amendment Bill pitched by Indian Home Minister earlier this month has caused hue and cry across India. It amends the Citizenship Act of 1995. The BJP government attempts to maneuver the definition of illegal immigrants in CAB.

In the new set of amendments, arrangements have been made to provide citizenship to six fleeing non-Muslim minorities of Sikhs, Jains, Parsis, Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus from the Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.

The new amendment allows illegal immigrants from these religious minorities to stay in India even without legal documents. Earlier, the Citizenship Bill 1995, denied Indian citizenship to any migrant without valid documents irrespective of the religion.

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The bill also proposed to relax the 11-year requirement of living in India to at least 6 years for the above-mentioned migrants under the citizenship naturalization clause.

The bill has largely affected the Muslim population of Assam, Tripura and adjoining states in Northeastern India.