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Sunday, February 23, 2025

M Rizwan refusing to take pictures with women gets mixed responses

A female fan appreciated Muhammad Rizwan for his showing respect to women and his stance of refusing to take pictures with them. A video of a female fan in Australia appreciating Rizwan has gone viral on social media.

The woman said she respects him a lot for his respectful demeanor towards women. Rizwan thanked her and left. In another video, Rizwan again refused to take a picture with a female fan. The video once again triggered a social media debate surrounding his continued stance on refusing to take pictures with a female fan. Rizwan always lowers his gaze when interacting with women and maintains a significant.

Read more: Rizwan to wear shirt with name ‘Muhammad’ for T20 World Cup

Some said he should reconsider his decision now being an international cricketing star. Others supported his decision to exercise his liberty and freedom to exercise his religion. A Twitter user argued that while female celebrities are supported for their decision to refuse to click pictures with men, male celebrities should also have this freedom. Previously, morning show host Nida Yasir had once refused to take pictures with a male fan. She said she is not comfortable taking pictures with males.


Another user said that Rizwan is free to practice and follow the religion. One pointed out that, society would become a much safer place for women if men starts respecting women like Muhammad Rizwan. Another social media user said that Rizwan is not harming anyone, and it is his choice if he wants to follow the religion. Rizwan not taking pictures with women is not impacting his game

A few days back Indian media also ran a smear campaign against him and targeted him for being too ‘religious’. They played his videos of delivering sermons in mosques in Australia and New Zealand and accused him of promoting religious extremism in the Pakistan Cricket Team.