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Monday, February 24, 2025

Media houses, new battlefields?

News Desk |

Souring tension on the borders of rivalry “nuclear” states Pakistan and India is not the occasion to boast about the war capability but to condemn it. In the era of information, if not more than ammunition, equally dangerous is the words uttered. Here comes the role of media in play; but unfortunately, neither side is lesser aggressive.

The narrative at the moment is what the media builds. It should be peace and not war. As yesterday, DG ISPR said, “no one wins in wars but humanity loses” and maintained by PM Khan that history shows that wars are always miscalculated and no one knows when and how would they end.

Read more: The Social Media Wars in the Unconventional Battlefields !

When the leadership of the state advocates peace, how can possibly media be allowed to avow otherwise. As much as it is appreciated that Pakistan’s media has adopted peace journalism at large, there are some channels seeing campaigning for the war. From the war anthems to forces uniforms, there seem no ethical boundaries.

Some sane voices have condemned the act as they say war brings nothing but destruction. Look at the history of two states, what benefit has any war ever given; however, the death of the soldiers on both sides just brought grievances and affected thousands of families. These soldiers, yes it is their job to protect and even give their life for the integrity and honor of the country but why call for that unnecessarily?

Respect your soldiers, respect the fact that they are ready to give their lives for you and most importantly respect their lives too, and avoid advocating war. These media houses are encouraging the war at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and what for? Wars are fought for purposes; freedom, against oppression, for rights of self-determination but what purpose Pakistan and India have got?

Read more: The Iron cage of Social Media: War of all against all?

People on both sides trended #SayNoToWar; both sides bashed media for their warmongering approach, it’s time for these channels to realize TRPs [Television Rating Points] will not be achieved this way as nations “reject this jingoism”.

As soon as Indian writer Vaibhav Vishal tweeted mocking such hype-creating journalists and asked Pakistan to exchange them for IAF pilot, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhary quickly responded and said India instead sending their journalists to Pakistan could even have all such Pakistani journalists.

“Dear Pakistan… Return Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman to us. Take our news anchors instead. All of them. Keep them. Do whatever you want to do with them. And please don’t send them back to us. EVER. Please. Pretty please?, “said Vishal.

“Any chances of sending some of ours?:),” said Fawad Chaudhary.

War between two nuclear states means “destruction and end”. What good is patriotism of both nations when there is no land to be patriot about? Let’s respect life; lets sense prevail.