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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Medical efforts to reduce child deaths to minimum in war torn countries

Syria has been on war and no party involved seems ready to back down. The gravest this war poses is to the children of the area who unknowingly are getting the worst of it. Doctors all across the world have come with a "Child manual" to treat a war-hurt child in a special way. This increases chances of life for these children who have seen nothing other than war.


Doctors and rights activists unveiled on Thursday the world’s first field manual for the treatment of child casualties from explosions, which they say causes almost three-quarters of juvenile deaths and injuries in war zones.

The guide was put together by the British aid agency “Save the Children” and experts at “Imperial College London” at the request of Syrian medics working in the bloody eight-year civil war.

“It starts from the point when something goes ‘bang’ and a child is exposed to that explosion,” former British army surgeon Paul Reavley, one of the manual’s authors, told AFP.

“It then follows the child on a care pathway and focuses on the key differences of children compared to adults,” Reavley said ahead of the launch at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

Syrian War’s impact on children

Save the Children said suicide bombs, landmines, grenades, unexploded ordinance, air strikes and other forms of explosives “account for 72 percent of all child deaths and injuries across the world’s deadliest war zones”.

In Syria, the figure was daunting 83 percent.

Read More: Gasping for life: Syria’s merciless war on its own children

The agency used UN figures from what it said were the five deadliest conflicts for children, in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

“This manual is a world-first guide to the unique procedures needed to keep children alive and help them recover fully following the catastrophic injuries from explosive weapons,” it added.

Written in simple language, the illustrated 176 pages are a step-by-step guide on how to treat children hurt by explosions from the point of injury to post-treatment psychological and social support.

Suicide bombs, landmines, grenades, unexploded ordinance, air strikes and other forms of explosives “account for 72 percent of all child deaths and injuries across the world’s deadliest war zones”.

The pages are designed to be easily photographed on a mobile phone and can be downloaded from the internet for free.

“The Paediatric Blast Injury Field Manual gives medical staff in conflict settings… the knowledge and technical guidance needed specifically to treat children,” said Save the Children director Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

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World’s Support

Child deaths, no matter where leaves a lasting impression on the minds of people. Innocents, being lost to a war in such huge number is a calamity we as a united world need to deal with. People have been showing support in favor of Syria and are sad at deaths of innocent children.

“Children’s bodies are different. They aren’t just small adults,” added Major-General Michael von Bertele, former British Army Medical Services director general.

Read More: Displaced Syrian children sift through trash to buy bread

“Their skulls are still not fully formed and their underdeveloped muscles offer less protection. So a blast is more likely to damage their brain and lungs or tear apart organs in their abdomen, even when there’s no visible damage,” he said.

AFP article with additional input by GVS news desk