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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Ministry of Science introduces bottled mineral water for 1 Rupee

Fawad Chaudhry registered another success as the minister of Science and Technology as his ministry introduced first locally- manufactured bottled mineral water costing Rs 1 per liter. Chaudhry aims to uplift the ministry of science to catch up with the international competition

The Ministry of Science and Technology has introduced its own mineral bottled water at unbelievably lower rate costing for Rs1/litre announced Federal Minister Fawad Chaudhry.

He added that bottled mineral water named ‘Safe Drinking Water‘ will be first introduced in the government offices including the President House, PM Office and Parliament House at the initial testing stage. The mineral water will be readily available public afterward.

Minister Chaudhry added that ministry has taken this initiative to slash cost at government offices part of PTI government’s austerity drive. This mineral bottled water will be a cheap alternative to costly mineral water used in the government offices.

He credited Pakistan Council of Research and Water Resources for preparing safe and quality drinking water. “We have rolled out these water bottles for R1 per liter and it is a quality drinking water,” the federal minister added.

The optimistic minister announced to begin Pakistan’s first Space Mission seeking to send first Pakistani to space by 2022.

PCRWR had collected water samples from across the country for the survey to determine the proportion of salt levels in the water.

Outlining the prospects of the project, Fawad Chaudhry added that the Ministry of Science and Technology would set up water plants with the help of private companies in various Tehsils following the level of salt in the water.

Ministry of Science and Technology is making remarkable strides under Fawad Chaudhry who took the helm of the ministry following the last cabinet reshuffle. The redundant sector came into life with the introduction of Pakistan’s first lunar calendar introduced to predict the dates of the important religious occasions in the country early.

Fawad Chaudhry also aimed for Pakistan’s first science exhibition. The optimistic minister announced to begin Pakistan’s first Space Mission seeking to send first Pakistani to space by 2022. The minister has further announced that the selection process to send Pakistan’s first citizen to space will begin in February 2020.

Read more: PAF will choose person for space mission: Fawad Chaudhry

According to a news, the Minister of Science and Technology is also endeavoring to introduce electrically charged batteries for the public transports, which will be used in rickshaws and light public transport and can be used in motorcycles to reduce the air pollution and protect the environment.