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Thursday, February 20, 2025

No Bitcoin for Ira Kleiman, Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto

Two weeks after having the case in their hands, a federal jury in Miami delivered their decision on the Kleiman v Wright trial of the century. This was an arduous case with a lot of posturing by both sides. At stake was Craig Wright’s integrity, credibility, and 1.1 million Bitcoin valued in the billions of dollars. Dave Kleiman’s estranged brother sought nearly $200 billion in civil and punitive damages all hanging on proving that Dave and Craig had a legal partnership in the creation of Bitcoin thus making both men Satoshi Nakamoto.

When the verdict was read, only one of the 25 articles in the lawsuit were found to be in favor of the plaintiff, Ira Kleiman. The jury was not buying Ira’s claims that Craig was a thief, serial forger, and legal business partner to Dave in the creation of Bitcoin. They did award $100 million for convergence of intellectual property. This was awarded to W&K Info Defense Research LLC, which was originally setup as an equal shares partnership between Dave, Craig, and Craig’s wife Lynn, at that time. When Craig divorced his wife, he gave her his shares making Lynn the majority owner of W&K. Unfortunately for Ira, he does not have legal ownership of Dave’s shares of W&K.

Ira and his lawyers were seeking half of the original mined Bitcoin. They only sought this amount because they claimed Dave and Craig were equal partners in the creation of Bitcoin and the writing of the Bitcoin white paper with no others. That’s all well and good unless the verdict goes the other way which is exactly what happened. Dave and Craig were found not to be business partners in this venture. Therefore, in de facto, Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto.

Following the verdict, a statement by Craig’s legal team led by Andrés Rivero read:

The decision reached by the jury today reinforces what we already knew to be the truth: Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the sole creator of Bitcoin and block chain technology, and Craig Wright did not form a partnership with David Kleiman to mine Bitcoin.

Thankfully, the jury recognized the overwhelming evidence — that Dr. Wright holds 3,208 patents related to Bitcoin and blockchain technology, he has written extensively about Bitcoin and its underlying code and has restored the original bitcoin protocol in Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (BSV).

Now that this case confirmed the origins of Bitcoin’s creation, Dr. Wright plans to make good on his promise to empower marginalized groups through the greatest financial equalizer of the modern era: Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision will allow people to steadily become part of the global capitalist world – start selling, trading, building themselves, not because they have to take handouts from the government, but because they can work with dignity for themselves.

Dr. Wright plans to make Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision something that’s sustaining and sustainable that lasts.


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