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OIC emergency meeting on the Trump peace plan starts in Jeddah

The solution to the Palestine issue must be in accordance with international law, relevant UN resolutions, and the Arab peace initiative says the statement of OIC, who's member states gathered in Saudi Arabia's capital on Monday morning for discussions on the United States' so-called Middle East peace plan on the request of Palestine.

Member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) gathered in Saudi Arabia’s capital on Monday morning for discussions on the United States’ so-called Middle East peace plan.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is among those attending the OIC’s Emergency Open-Ended Executive Committee Ministerial Meeting called on the request of the Palestinian leadership.

In a statement on Sunday, the OIC said the meeting at the level of foreign ministers would “discuss the organization’s position” on the U.S. administration’s so-called peace plan.

“The OIC reaffirms its principled position and support for Palestine in the struggle to regain its legitimate rights, including the establishment of an independent and sovereign state with East Jerusalem as its capital,” read the statement.

It said the solution to the Palestine issue must be in accordance with international law, relevant UN resolutions, and the Arab peace initiative.

The so-called “deal of the century“, announced by U.S. President Donald Trump last Tuesday, has already been rejected by the Arab League.

Read more: European Union slams US Middle East peace plan

In a statement last week, the organization said the plan “does not meet the minimum rights and aspirations of Palestinian people”.

Cavusoglu has voiced support for the Arab League’s decision to reject the so-called peace plan. He termed it the “correct decision” and denounced the deal as a “rape plan for the Palestinian territories”.

Cavusoglu also hoped “for the same unity” from the members of the OIC.

On the other hand and unfortunate act on behalf of the OIC is that Iran has been barred from participating in the OIC meeting by not providing them visas for Saudi Arabia. This rift in the Muslim world is not going to benefit any state but it might be a blow to the Palestinian cause on the global front.

Flanked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Donald Trump, in a news conference at the White House last Tuesday, unveiled the controversial plan to end one of the longest-running disputes in the Middle East.

He proposed an independent Palestinian state but with the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over West Bank and Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided capital”.

Earlier on Sunday, the European Union also slammed the peace proposal put forward by the Trump administration. the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said, “The U.S. plan challenges many of the internationally agreed parameters: the 1967 border, as agreed by both parties, with a state of Israel and an independent, viable state of Palestine, living side-by-side in peace, security and mutual recognition.”

Read more: No Palestinian recognition if peace plan goals unmet: Trump aide

The two-state solution that this deal proposes is in complete contradiction with the one proposed by the UN. The UN had called for sovereign Israeli and Palestinian states existing side by side with Jerusalem as a joint capital. But this new US deal is in complete violation and disregard for international law and the UN resolution. It calls for Jerusalem as “Israel’s undivided capital.” Furthermore, it gives Israel more power and influence over Palestine thus taking away the idea of a sovereign Palestinian state.

The so-called peace plan unilaterally annuls previous UN resolutions on the Palestinian issue and suggests giving Israel almost everything it demanded.

Anadolu with additional input by GVS newsdesk.