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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Op-ed: Ikea makes better cabinets than Trump

"So will Biden have a more united Cabinet? I‘m not so sure about that anymore!" writes Juan Abbas.

The question on everyone‘s mind right now is who‘s going to get fired next. Could it be AG Barr or FBI Director Wray, or even Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, even though he is that yes-man Trump has always wanted?

Wooden polished, shined with a beautiful touch to the handles, and reflecting with their clear glass windows, Ikea cabinets are one of the best in America. You would think the President of the United States would have a better Cabinet. But apparently, one can only hope.

Progressives are lining up to get their picks into top offices but with only the AG position left to confirm, The Democratic Party, especially Biden sees their future in the balance of convincing far sides of the party, not to mention the mainstream ones. 

Leaders who do not know how to lead

Mike Pence has been President Trump‘s supporter for quite some time now, especially during the pandemic. As Governor of Indiana, he was already quite inefficient. Him, coming to the office of Vice president was quite disastrous for the people of well, everywhere. He denied the rising of cases during the second wave of the virus. He supported the border wall as Trump‘s Running mate. Just when everyone thought he took a stand before The President at the beginning of the pandemic, he backed off, and like the President, started to downplay the crisis. He too is a political leader who does not lead.

Then, comes the saddest excuse for a Secretary, Betsy DeVos.

During Betsy DeVos‘s time in office, she has sunk the Department of Education with her policies and just recently with her outrageous criticism for closed school districts such as Fairfax. The student loan debt still exists today. The educational budget shortage still exists today, as does the shortage of equipment for online learning. Especially in cases of unprecedented times like these.

According to the New York Times, DeVos “Funnels Coronavirus Relief Funds to Favoured Private and Religious Schools.” Her confirmation hearings in the senate were a tragedy. It showed her inexperience with the Department Of Education’s tasks and legal responsibilities, and lack of familiarity with important education policies. It took Mike Pence’s vote to confirm her–the first time in history a Vice-President had to cast a deciding vote for a cabinet nominee.

Students and Instructors cannot afford four more years of DeVos.

Read more: Biden’s win; a flicker of hope for Iran?

Then, we have our beloved Secretary of Housing, Ben Carson.

In 2016, Donald Trump said this about Ben Carson:

“…he wrote a book. And in the book, he said terrible things about himself. He said that he’s pathological and that he’s got basically a pathological disease… And I don’t want a person that’s got pathological disease. I don’t want it. I’m not saying he’s got it, he said it.”

Now, apart from whatever that was, Carson has not proved himself as a great official. In early 2019, Congresswoman Katie Porter asked him what an REO (Real estate owned) was. He answered, “Oreo?” He is said to have revoked vital protections for side-lined societies in America. He is also highly unqualified for the position since he had never worked in government and had no experience in the housing strategy.

Trump loves to fire the few capable members

One of the very few good cabinet members was Mark Esper.

The U.S. Defence Secretary had been fired earlier this month by the President, “effective immediately”. Most see the sudden move as a reaction to the election and a way to show his anger towards the country.

Last week, President Trump announced on Twitter, “…effective immediately. Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service.”

Mark Esper has been Defence Secretary since July 23, 2019. He was confirmed by the U.S. Senate 90-0 last year. Esper served as an infantry officer with the 101st Airborne Division and deployed with the “Screaming Eagles” for the Gulf War. His battalion was part of the famous “left hook” that led to the defeat of the Iraqi Army.

Wooden polished, shined with a beautiful touch to the handles, and reflecting with their clear glass windows, Ikea cabinets are one of the best in America. You would think the President of the United States would have a better Cabinet. But apparently, one can only hope.

Then we have WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who has made it his mission to spread Covid-19 wherever he goes and shows the world that America might never be great again. Mark, the former Congressman from North Carolina has embarrassed all those who call themselves North Carolinians, something that has never happened in the history of the nation, despite our deep divide.

Read more: Op-ed: Is there any place for progressiveness is US politics?

So will Biden have a more united Cabinet?

I‘m not so sure about that anymore! Progressives are lining up to get their picks into top offices but with only the AG position left to confirm, The Democratic Party, especially Biden sees their future in the balance of convincing far sides of the party, not to mention the mainstream ones.

Juan Abbas is a freelance writer for the Daily Times. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.