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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Pakistan-India standoff: The role of Israel, US, and Beyond – Part-I

Sabtain Ahmed Dar |

On 14th February, hardly a few hours had passed since the Pulwama attack and no thorough investigation had been done by India and yet they resorted to blaming Pakistan without any evidence. On the very next morning, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the attack was a matter of “grave concern” and it had been condemning “heightened acts of violence in the (Kashmir) Valley… we strongly reject any insinuation by elements in the Indian government and media circles that seek to link the attack to the State of Pakistan without investigations”.

On the same day, Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said; “Putting the blame on Pakistan for everything is wrong, the normalization process with India is our topmost priority.” Pakistan’s information minister further said; “JeM is a banned organization in Pakistan, we are taking action against it and will do whatever is required,” the information minister told India Today TV. The minister even offered Pakistan’s assistance in investigating the attack and seeks a dossier from India on 15th February which was not provided until 28th February. Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan clearly said; “We had such an important visit of the Saudi crown prince coming up on 16th February. We knew that they would invest, there were contracts. Which country would sabotage such an important event by conducting a terror attack?”

Pakistan wants peace not for itself but for the whole region, but if Indian Military continued like this then the current escalation ladder will surely increase in between in the coming days.

The dogfight that followed demonstrated India’s failure not just in airspace but also when its submarine was chased away by Pakistan Navy as it tried to enter Pakistani waters. Indian media tried miserably to cover up the Indian government embarrassment; no evidence of fake surgical strike allegedly killing terrorists was produced, international media was taken to Balakot to witness India’s defeat and lies. Meanwhile, Pakistani media advocated for peace as directed by premier Imran Khan as he released captured Indian pilot Abhinandan.

The Escalation Ladder 

India through its private diplomacy with great powers such as US, UK, Russia, and China is trying to imply that it does not want any further escalation but its unusual military movements being observed by Pakistan Army suggest that Indian Army is not in a mood for any de-escalation process with Pakistan. Security officials of both countries are in contact with each other however, PM Imran Khan had tried to call Narendra Modi for two times in the last week but he did not respond to the call to initiate peace talks. Direct communication in between the government officials is essential for easing out the tensions, but I do not see it coming until the next Indian government in May/June.

Read more: Was Israel involved in recent Pak-India skirmishes?

It makes sense why India is not willing for peace talks, firstly the kind of embarrassment Indian Air Force faced against a comparatively small Pakistan Air Force is somehow not been digested fully by the Indian establishment. Major western news outlets such as the New York Times raised questions about the efficacy of Indian Air Force which lost a dogfight to Pakistan, resulting in more embarrassment and demoralization in the Indian Army.

The Indian establishment is divided over further escalation against Pakistan. But there is going to be a significant number of officials in the Indian Army who are considering further escalation against Pakistan in an attempt to balance what happened with their Air Force. This is why after losing strategic advantage against Pakistan in the air they have changed their venue and moved to the Arabian Sea to engage Pakistan in the waters.

Pakistan wants peace not for itself but for the whole region, but if Indian Military continued like this then the current escalation ladder will surely increase in between in the coming days. A groundbreaking recent intelligence report is being made public by Pakistan’s government which states that India is not the only country who is solely acting against Pakistan but Israel’s role and assistance is also evident behind the current India-Pakistan tensions.

Sadly, most of the analysts see these developments of Hybrid Warfare as proxies to contest for regional political and economic control, however, very few are able to see the bigger picture that in reality; “it is an invisible war for the rival ideological systems”.

The government sources have recently handed over an intelligence report to a senior Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir that; “Indian Military assisted by Israel had a plan for the missile attack on Pakistan, India had planned missile attack at various places in Pakistan including Karachi and Bahawalpur by using the Army base in Rajasthan, India. In the foiled missile master plan; Israel and another country (name not made public) were assisting India secretly. The security forces of Pakistan have shared the attack plan of India and Israel with friendly countries and also have shared the evidence with them.

The Israel Connection

Now the question arises why a Jewish state in the Middle-east would want to hit missiles in a Muslim Pakistan while making an alliance with Hindu India? The state of Israel is not only in a strategic alliance with India (largest buyer of Israel’s weapons) but also in an ideological alliance as both follow and walk on the road for their respective golden ages in their surrounding world. Hindu India’s strategic thought is based on the idea of Hindutva and the ideology of Akhand-Bharat (Greater India – which includes surrounding territories such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Eastern Iran and Maldives etc.) where once in the ancient times their gods and goddesses ruled the holy land of Bharat.

Read more: Kashmir issue: Indian media follows Israel’s Hasbara model

Thus, Hindus believe that their history has reached to the last stage of four cycles of history (Kali Yug – the end of history) where one cycle of history is about to end and another cycle of history will replace it. Thus, secular nationalism must be replaced by religious nationalism (BJP/RSS prime moto) to transform secular India to more Hindu India in order to fulfill the religious obligation of Akhand Bharat.

Similarly, the Jews believe that their Messiah will not arrive nor its golden age until they expand their present geographical borders from the river of Nile to the river of Euphrates (Greater Israel – The Jewish holy-land which includes modern-day Iraq, North-Western Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon etc.) Therefore, for Israel it is essential to have hybrid war schemes such as ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, Jabhat Al-Nusra etc. in the Middle-east by the United States (influenced by the Israel Lobby in US and Israel itself) to fund and arm mercenaries to balkanize these surrounding Muslim states to enhance the security of the state of Israel in the Middle-east.

The brother and the son of the Masood Azhar (founder of Jaish-e-Muhammad) have been taken into captivity. It was announced by the government officials that Masood Azhar will also be captured soon.

To those, who still reject the notion that these state-sponsored terrorist groups are not being created by the intelligence agencies of the United States and Israel we ask you a question; why ISIS has not yet attacked the state of Israel when we know that Jerusalem has always been a power center of the Caliphate? It is really hard for secular-minded scholars to answer this question because almost they all are being brainwashed through political theories and modern research methodologies to think in particular way that does not allow them to have a free thought.

If we talk about the dynamics of South Asia in the context of India’s quest for Akhand Bharat (Greater India) it becomes essential for India to fund and arm mercenaries in Afghanistan such as Tahrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP – a terrorist group) Jamat ul Ahrar (JuA) and in Iran Jaish Al Adl (former Jundallah) to balkanize the whole West Asia in an attempt to prepare for its golden age in western hemisphere. This Indian strategy was exposed to the world when Pakistan’s Army caught RAW’s agent Kulbhushan Jadhav from Pakistan’s province Baluchistan. Sadly, most of the analysts see these developments of Hybrid Warfare as proxies to contest for regional political and economic control, however, very few are able to see the bigger picture that in reality; “it is an invisible war for the rival ideological systems”.

Read more: Should Pakistan ‘establish contacts’ with Israel just like KSA?

These two ideological systems of Hindu-Judaic civilizations rival to the ideology of Islam have found a common ground. Both Brahman Hindu and Judaic conception of the end of history is remarkably similar. Both the Jew and the Brahman Hindu consider themselves as the elite of human civilization and consider all non-Hindus or non-Jews to have been created with a lower status. Therefore, both aim to establish geopolitical and geo-strategic systems of superiority which will ensure that the elite of human civilization themselves would dominate over the rest of mankind. Both Hindu India and Jewish Israel, with their only states in the world order have found a common obstacle in the quest for their golden age. And that enemy is Islam and its message which contradicts with the claims of Hindu and Jewish view of the movement and the end of history.

Islamic civilization which is currently divided into nation-state system comprises of states surrounding Israel in the Middle East and states surrounding India in South Asia such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh, and Maldives etc. Hence, the establishment of an alliance between the Zionists and the Brahman Hindu is inevitable and has resulted in a nexus which is unbreakable in both war and peace. This explains the mysterious relationship and alliance between a Hindu India in South Asia and a Jewish Israel in the Middle-east.

India has numerous times scrapped Indus Water Treaty (1960) with Pakistan, by stopping the water flow inside Pakistan resulting in a draught which affected several rovers inside Pakistan.

Therefore, the balkanization or denuclearization of a nuclear Muslim Pakistan is a common objective in between India and Israel. And it is not the first time that both India and Israel have joined hands together to crush Pakistan. The Israeli air force was part of the plans to attack Kahuta research laboratories in 1984 because it did not want to see an “Islamic Bomb” developed by Pakistan. Israel was supposed to lead this attack and not merely play the role of advising the IAF. Bharat Karnad has written that Israeli aircraft were to be staged from Jamnagar airfield in Gujarat, refuel at a satellite airfield in North India and track the Himalayas to avoid early radar detection, but Pakistan foiled the attack through prior intelligence information similarly as it did a day ago.

On 5th March 2019, Pakistan announced to crack down and seize all the assets of UN recognized terrorist organizations such as Jaish-e-Muhammad and Jamaat-ul-Dawa. The brother and the son of the Masood Azhar (founder of Jaish-e-Muhammad) have been taken into captivity. It was announced by the government officials that Masood Azhar will also be captured soon. These initiatives are taken by Pakistan to normalize ties with India as Pakistan’s official position is to move towards the de-escalation process with India. It all depends on how the officials of each country communicate with each other for the peace of all in the region because a full out war is neither acceptable for India nor for Pakistan, however otherwise it may benefit and enhance the security of Israel in the Middle-east.

Pakistan-China Axis Balances US-India Axis in South Asia

According to Pakistan’s strategic thought, Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan not just because of its position being the vortex point of South Asia but also it has an ideological linkage because of the Muslim majority in Kashmir. Pakistan holds the view that India is unjustly occupying Jammu and Kashmir against the will of the Kashmiris since 1947.
India is not only squeezing Pakistan’s neck by committing atrocities against Kashmiri Muslims but also it is controlling water sources in Kashmir which are restricting the development of agriculture in Pakistan. It means as long as there is a Kashmir conflict peace cannot prevail in between India and Pakistan.

Read more: Relations beyond the veil: Pakistan, Israel and the Muslim world

India has numerous times scrapped Indus Water Treaty (1960) with Pakistan, by stopping the water flow inside Pakistan resulting in a draught which affected several rovers inside Pakistan. According to Indian strategists solving Kashmir issue means losing chess game to Pakistan because it will put Pakistan into a strategic advantage over India. Indian strategists are using Kashmir Conflict as a double-edged weapon against Pakistan and they are aware that if there is going to be a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir, there is a high probability that majority will unite with Pakistan and naturally inherit a Muslim state with an already battle-hardened army with nuclear weapons.

The Chinese stance has always remained unchanged in the Kashmir issue. On one occasion Pakistani media had reported after a meeting on sidelines of the UN on September 22, 2016, between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang that the latter had said: “We support Pakistan and we will speak for Pakistan at every forum.” Two years ago in March 2017, the spokesman of the Chinese foreign ministry addressed this issue again and told that “the development of CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) will not affect China’s stance on Kashmir issue, this conflict must be resolved by India and Pakistan. Apart from diplomacy if we talk in the context of strategy, both China and Pakistan have found common ground against India when it comes to Kashmir conflict and their respective territorial claims.

This is an alarming situation for China; Chinese Chicken Neck is its Xinjiang region which is mainly Muslim dominated and according to the Chinese perspective being influenced by foreign powers such as the United States for proxy purposes.

In the aftermath of Pakistan’s airstrikes in India, China is currently trying to stress Pakistan and India to solve their issues through dialogue. China cannot afford a war between the two nuclear states in its backyard. Billions of Chinese money has been invested in Pakistan, according to the military dimension of the Chinese strategy Pakistan provides a buffer to China against the NATO and US military presence inside Afghanistan. China will not allow any destabilization inside Pakistan. When in 2011 when the US allegedly killed Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad and accused ISI (Pakistan’s intelligence agency) of providing safe haven to Osama Bin Laden. There was a fog of war between Pakistan and US, but China made it clear to the world that “any attack on Pakistan would be construed as an attack on China”.

On the other side of the coin, Chinese strategists are also aware that a destabilized or failed Pakistan will also result in an increase of Indian influence in South Asia. The physics of South Asian geopolitics clearly suggests that if one eliminates Pakistan from the map of South Asia, small states such as Nepal, Bhutan, Maladies and Sri Lanka are likely to fall under the control or influence of India assisted by the US. This is an alarming situation for China; Chinese Chicken Neck is its Xinjiang region which is mainly Muslim dominated and according to the Chinese perspective being influenced by foreign powers such as the United States for proxy purposes.

Read more: Why India’s Hindu nationalists worship Israel’s nation-state model

Pakistan naturally closes the western south gate of China. Therefore, the balkanization of Pakistan means losing South Asia to US-India-Israeli axis. Thus efforts by the Chinese to bring peace in between India and Pakistan are in the interest of not only China, India, and Pakistan but also to the overall peace of the world. China does not want any war with any country as it follows a foreign policy of good relations with all neighbors and economic integration with everyone.

(To be continued…)

Sabtain Ahmed Dar is pursuing his M Phil in International Relations from Department of Political Science, Punjab University. His area of study is Israeli geopolitics and he has written a thesis titled ‘The Clash of Islam and Zionism: The final clash before the End of History’. The views expressed in this article are author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.