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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pakistan-India standoff: The role of Israel, US and Beyond – Part-II

Sabtain Ahmed Dar |

The Iranian Connection

Foreign Minister of Pakistan Qureshi was in contact with Iranian FM Jawad Zarif. Pakistan asked for Iranian help to resolve the current issue with India. As a result, Iran has offered mediation in between Pakistan and India; however, India has refused to become part of any peace dialogue. The spokesman of Pakistan Army Major General Asif Ghafoor hailed the Iranian move of mediation. Both Iran and Pakistan has always remained close allies, they are not only strategic partners but also they are ideologically Muslim countries.

However, sometimes Iran has shown its concerns over Pakistan’s tilt towards Saudi Arabia. Pakistan foreign policy always tries to balance Iran and Saudi Arabia. The occasional disruptions in between Pakistan and Iran cannot be analyzed by excluding what has been happening in Afghanistan since 1979 and in Baluchistan. The US wars has contributed to the disruption of Pakistan-Iran ties. The separatist’s movements in both Iranian and Pakistani Baluchistan have only added fuel to fire.  As a result of this, the two major countries who have benefitted from this strategic fault line between Iran and Pakistan are US and India.

In the current tensions between India and Pakistan, it is unlikely that Russia will take sides as it has her stakes in both countries; this is why Moscow clarified both India and Pakistan a few days ago to not to bring their dispute to the upcoming SCO summit.

India knows that it cannot gain access to Afghanistan or to the Central Asian markets through Pakistan, thus initially engaging Iran into economic projects and later turning Iran against Pakistan through proxy warfare is an essential part of their grand strategy. India did not become part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC- third terminal point of the Chinese led Belt and Road Initiative) rather it is pursuing and implementing on the North-South corridor project which goes through Iran to Afghanistan and then to Central Asia and beyond.

Pakistan has long accused India of spreading subversion inside Pakistan through Afghanistan. However, it came as a shock to every Pakistani when in March 2016 an R&AW (Indian intelligence agency) agent was arrested by Pakistan Army from Baluchistan who used to come from the Iranian border to fund and arm Baloch separatists. The confessions made by the Indian agent named “Kulbhushan Jadhav” confirmed that he hid his true identity even from Iran. Among many, his prime task was also to disrupt Pakistan-Iran ties.

Read more: The Indian Illusion: Denying Anti-Iranian Sanctions While Implementing Them

Indian led terrorism which spread from Pakistani to Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan region has resulted in confusions among Pakistan and Iran.  Iran must be aware of the fact that the soul of India’s strategy is “Chanakya’s Mandala Theory” which says that “your neighbor is your natural enemy and the neighbor’s neighbor is your friend”. But Iran being Pakistan’s Muslim neighbor is merely used as a pawn to the ultimate Indian end game of achieving hegemony in West Asia. Thus, it is essential for both Pakistan and Iran to be aware of the Indian games because a disruption in between a Sunni Pakistan and a Shia Iran is all that the enemies need to provoke conflicts and revolts on ethno-sectarian lines.

The Russian Connection

Moscow is pursuing a balancing strategy not just in the context of the Syrian war in the Middle-east but also in South Asia. In 2016, when Russia announced its first ever military drills “AMAN” with Pakistan, India showed its grave concerns over it.  However, On August 13, 2017, a senior Russian military official announced that Moscow would host comprehensive joint military drills with India from October 19 to 29.

This announcement received international attention, as Moscow’s October drills coordinated with India’s army, navy and air force in a synchronized fashion for the first time. The timing of Moscow’s decision to expand its military cooperation with India is also interesting, as the drilling announcement occurred just days after Pakistan held negotiations with Russia on the purchase of S-35 warplanes.

Islamic Civilization has witnessed this phenomenon recently, when Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in the second summit of OIC in Lahore, Pakistan took the initiative of the “Islamic World Bank” in 1974.

Russia’s decision to increase its security partnership with India and Pakistan simultaneously is an excellent example of Russia’s balancing strategy in South Asia. Russia’s capability to maintain military partnerships with both India and Pakistan is fruitful for its broader geopolitical ambitions. Vladimir Putin supported India’s counter-terrorism operation in Kashmir after the 2016 Uri attacks and openly praised India’s counter-terrorism operations during his meeting with Modi in June 2016.

Even though Russia’s support for India’s counter-terrorism policies risks damaging its bilateral relationship with Pakistan, Moscow has eased concerns in Islamabad by highlighting Pakistan’s indispensability as a counter-terrorism partner in Afghanistan. In the current tensions between India and Pakistan, it is unlikely that Russia will take sides as it has her stakes in both countries; this is why Moscow clarified both India and Pakistan a few days ago to not to bring their dispute to the upcoming SCO summit.

Read more: Why the Taliban are not terrorists? – Imran Jan

Russian Foreign Minister Viktorovich Lavrov reiterated an offer of mediation and provision of a venue for peace talks between India and Pakistan during a telephone call with his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi on 1st March. Foreign Minister Qureshi appreciated Russia’s balanced and constructive role in de-escalation of tensions in the region.

The US Connection

If we, as a civilization, think critically apart from using “nation-states or political perspectives,” we see a strange movement of history currently happening all around the globe. A closer attention to this movement of history in South Asia reveals that this transformation which has resulted into new strategic blocs took place soon after 9/11 and the US decision to wage a global war on terrorism. I call this transformation as “An Ideological Realignment of Alliances” in between the great powers.

Firstly, Chinese Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province of China (Western)  are being exploited by the NATO secret Armies in Eurasia. They are currently under the code name “Operation Gladio 2.0” led by the US arming and funding of Chinese Uighurs, not only to destabilize China but also to transporting these mercenaries to fight against Bashar Al Assad in Syria.

US strategy in South Asia naturally fits with the Indian strategy against Pakistan. The United States led Hybrid warfare in Muslim countries is aimed at enhancing the security of the state of Israel in the Middle-east.

Operation Gladio 1.0 was intended to contain the influence of Communism in Eurasia and the rest of the world during the cold war. However, since 1991, the next venue to target is Islam as ideology and the system of global governance. Afghanistan war is not a war for geo-economic interests or the quest for natural resources; it is a war against a system (Islam) rival to the Liberal ideology of Modern Western Civilization. This is why the United States has never accepted the reality of the Taliban in Afghanistan since 1991. Strategists sitting in the NATO headquarters know that Islam rejects the Western-led secular democracy and the Global Banking system based on lending money on interest.

The role of “Money” determines the movement of a society; it is a nucleus which regulates and governs the actions of an individual and civilization as a whole. The West cannot afford an example of a true system of Islam in the modern nation-state system, because it has a capacity to expand itself to a point where a Caliphate can become a reality again. Islamic Civilization has witnessed this phenomenon recently, when Prime Minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in the second summit of OIC in Lahore, Pakistan took the initiative of the “Islamic World Bank” in 1974.

It sent shockwaves to the West because they knew that if the Islamic World Bank became a reality than the fall of the Modern Western Civilisation led by the Zionists would become inevitable. This means that US strategy while sitting in Afghanistan is not only to stop the revival of Islam as a system of governance but also to contain and engage Pakistan which has the capacity to become a peace broker for the Islamic Civilization.

Read more: US expects India to engage Pakistan in Kashmir talks

Pakistan officially became part of the US coalition against terrorism during the President General Pervez Musharraf regime. Pakistan followed the same path to help the US as it did in 1979 when Soviets intervened in Afghanistan. The only difference of opinion between US and Pakistan was that the US did not want Afghan Taliban control over Kabul and Pakistan historically being an ally of Afghan Taliban (former Mujahideens) wanted to have Taliban’s government in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has long stressed on the view that the Afghan Taliban is the by-product of what the US jointly created with Pakistan during the Afghanistan War. Afghan Taliban has a significant number in Afghanistan to rule legitimately through a government. But the US has never allowed it rather installed its puppet regimes since 2002 to continue its “neo-imperial” over Afghanistan… later during 2006, a wave of uncountable suicide bombings started inside Pakistan and security agencies of Pakistan tried to stop increasing destabilization of the country.

The roots of the suicide bombings were traced back to FATA and Afghanistan by the law enforcement agencies of Pakistan; and in 2008 Pakistan security agencies after conducting several operations were fully aware about the Indian involvement along with United States in spreading terrorism inside Pakistan through proxies such Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA), and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar etc. This means the security agencies of these countries were using their agents and local mercenaries to configure subversion inside Pakistan.

The Kashmir conflict cannot be resolved through dialogue. From the Nimitz mission of the United Nations in the late 1940s to the present, India has always rejected any move to resolve the issue of Kashmir through dialogue and plebiscite.

Former DG ISI of Pakistan Late General Hamid Gul (the architect of Afghanistan War) was ridiculed by many in the early years of war on terrorism. He used to say on several occasions that “9/11 was an inside job by the US to unleash a war against the remaining strong Muslim states, Afghanistan is being used by the United States and India as a base to attack Pakistan through proxy warfare, and their ultimate objective is to implode and denuclearize Pakistan”.

Later, as time passed almost everyone realized the fact whatever Gul said was the truth. It is plain and clear as a daylight that the United States is intentionally sustaining the Afghan crisis to the disadvantage of Pakistan. Pakistan believes that the unholy trinity of CIA, RAW, and NDS in Afghanistan is the sole cause of terrorism inside Pakistan.

The Indian Connection

India is adopting the same strategy of using so-called “Islamic Terrorism” as a pretext as the US has been using since 2001 to balkanize the Muslim states. US strategy in South Asia naturally fits with the Indian strategy against Pakistan. The United States led Hybrid warfare in Muslim countries is aimed at enhancing the security of the state of Israel in the Middle-east.

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If one comprehensively studies the physics and metaphysics of war on terror,  it is not difficult to understand that United States’ wars in the Middle East and currently in South Asia naturally fits the grand objectives of the state of Israel and India. And the US military has become a military arm for the state of Israel. American scholars such as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Waltz have comprehensively addressed this subject in their book “The Israel Lobby and the United States Foreign Policy”.

As far as India is concerned, India initially used the “frame of Islamic Terrorism” by Pakistan in the context of Kashmir since 2001. In the midst of these developments, India was able to capitalize on the Global War on Terrorism by framing the efforts of freedom fighters as Pakistan-led terrorism in Indian Occupied Kashmir. This is why India managed to maintain the status quo in the Kashmir conflict as no further progress could be made between Pakistan and India in this regard. Since 2001, India’s stance on Kashmir remained consistent that it is an issue of terrorism.

India is using false flags such as Mumbai Attack, Samjhota Express, Uri Attacks, and Pulwama attacks to isolate Pakistan internationally while simultaneously with the help of US from Afghanistan it is destabilizing the whole country. On 4th March 2019, a groundbreaking audio clip of BJP minister Amit Shah was leaked by Avi Dandiya (Indian Blogger) planning for a blast (Pulwama attack) in Kashmir to create war hysteria against the enemy (Pakistan) in an attempt to win the upcoming elections in May. Amit Shah is clearly saying in the audio clip that we can deceive the public easily even if we have to kill our own troops.

The solution to the Kashmir issue lies in the plebiscite, the right for self-determination must be given to the Kashmiris by India. Kashmiris are aware of the schemes against them by the key players in the region.

The BJP/RSS woman talking to Amit Shah on phone call clearly says that if you say so then we can do a blast in Kashmir (Pulwama Attack) to start a conflict. She said, “If you can transfer the money on time, we can complete our work for a blast around 13th February”. She further said a Uri like attack will do the job for us. Which means Uri attack of 2016 was also an inside job. India under Modi has not remained a secular India. India has become a more Hindu India which is trying to fulfill its religious duty of Akhand Bharat either by hook or by crook. Thus, blaming Pakistan for the terrorist activities who always accepts the reality of India is Disney lands stuff.

Conclusion: An Independent Kashmir is not a Solution for Peace

The Kashmir conflict cannot be resolved through dialogue. From the Nimitz mission of the United Nations in the late 1940s to the present, India has always rejected any move to resolve the issue of Kashmir through dialogue and plebiscite. India does not allow any foreign interference in its internal affairs; India considers states like Kashmir, Pakistan etc. as temporary security arrangements which were the bi-products of the British decolonization. It means these states are small units of that mother entity which is known as India (Akhand Bharat – Holy Land of Bharat). This is why India always asserts on the issue of bilateralism with its regional states; i.e. the answer to the question about why SAARC has always failed lies in the subject of Indian strategic thought on bilateralism.

Read more: Israel-India nexus: History reveals an Anti-Islamist alliance

If we talk in the context of an independent Kashmir, I am myself from Indian occupied Kashmir and my family migrated to Pakistan in the 1980s to find a safe haven. The strategic implications of an independent Kashmir are very simple; an independent Kashmir will become a vassal state or a military base for the United States. Kashmiris want the peaceful Islamic system of governance not the Western Capitalist system of economy and democracy.

Socially, the United States will change the fabric traditional Kashmir society and strategically, the US will use the territory of Kashmir simultaneously against China in the North and Pakistan in the South. The United States is directly behind the political mobilization and the traditional institutional decay in Jammu and Kashmir. They have been funding the political parties and as well as arming the militants to fulfill their own vested interests. They created Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) for an independent Kashmir.

Read more: Pulwama Attack: Another Indian “False Flag” to frame Pakistan

The solution to the Kashmir issue lies in the plebiscite, the right for self-determination must be given to the Kashmiris by India. Kashmiris are aware of the schemes against them by the key players in the region. The majority of the Kashmiris want to unite with the ideologically similar; the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Thus, the Muslim community of Kashmir will naturally inherent a battle-hardened Pakistani army and socio-political apparatus. This may appear to India as unacceptable or equivalent to WAR, but for most of the Kashmiris, it is PEACE.

Sabtain Ahmed Dar is pursuing his M Phil in International Relations from Department of Political Science, Punjab University. His area of study is Israeli geopolitics and he has written a thesis titled ‘The Clash of Islam and Zionism: The final clash before the End of History’. The views expressed in this article are author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.