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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Pakistan must maintain ties with neighbours to become self-sufficient

Mahnoor Saleem |

Since last August, air was patently cold between Washington and Islamabad because it was then for the first time, when President Trump voiced his “Do more” narrative regarding Pakistan. He went so far as to say that Pakistan is harboring the very enemies that the United States seeks to terminate. Well, that is now history as once again, Trump is back with another episode of controversial expedition, with a very outlandish kind of tweet for Pakistan. It was at 4 o’clock on January 2nd of New Year when he came up with the odd idea of initiating a global debate via his ever-available Twitter account.

The tweet posted by President told the tale of 33 billion dollars which previous American administrations blindly provided to Pakistan and how Pakistan has played the chicanery role by returning US nothing but just “deceits and lies”. He even overtly proclaimed his disappointment and exasperation at the former administrations. In the political arena, this popular call of stabbing the US’s back sounded more like a post-breakup tantrum, coming from your ex then sounding like a prudent choice of words advocating narrative of a state’s President.

Coming years and decades will be substantially responsible for changing the dynamics of international politics and prevailing international order, hence it is time for Pakistan to understand and upgrade its game to the next level.

Where in a very short time, Trump has successfully built his juvenile impression in dealing with domestic and international affairs there he has also fanned contented talks in town by demonstrating every trait highlighted by Michael Wolff in his recent book “Fire and fury”. The way Trump has dealt with his Korean counterpart Kim Jong Un and he pioneered ‘Big button diplomacy’ has raised certain perplexities on his propensity.

Read more: US continuous drift towards India raises new risks for Pakistan

This deliberate attempt of Washington to publicize its divorce with Islamabad led to predictable rage and resentment in Pakistan. The foreign minister of Pakistan, Khawaja Asif responded by asking United States to reconsider its statics and even investigate them on the expense of Pakistan, if required or wished. Certainly the blame also falls on the shoulders of officials who were entrusted with the revered task of lobbying Pakistan’s interests and underlining Pakistan’s accomplishments in its ‘war against terror’ but to turn deaf ear towards ignorant music and perpetual duress coming out from Washington is also utter felony.

Owing to the fact that, it is contributing profusely in spawning worries in war-tired Pakistan. After 70,000+ people were sacrificed in someone else’s war, it is illicit to scapegoat Islamabad now. Among these many sentiments that followed Mr. President’s petty move some even encouraged Pakistan’s politicians to threaten and consider blocking, supply routes of US and NATO forces in land locked Afghanistan.

President Trump’s growing aggression towards Iran and his threats to re-impose sanctions on it can persuade Iran to take desperate steps. Without any delay in proceedings, Pakistan should offer shoulder to its southwestern neighbor.

The US has been fighting the Afghan war for the last 16 years, it’s enough time to create a war- struck jihad oriented youth in any nation, and that’s what they ought to do precisely, according to some analysts. What men in Washington fail to understand is that, in their pursuit of securing a living space for the US in South Asia they have blatantly ruined an entire nation’s genesis. The geo-strategic location of Afghanistan certainly has tempted great powers at certain moment in history but time has come for these powers to realize that in order to tame Afghanistan they need to alter their belligerent strategies.

Despite that, United States unlike many others has propagated ideologies like nation building, storing liberal democracy; or composed endeavors like strengthening Afghan national forces and eradicating Taliban from Afghanistan; but ground realities deduce a capricious scrutiny of contrary blueprints. To tell the truth, alongside Taliban right under the nose of American forces another more relentless and ideologically more challenging to defeat group, ISIS, is breeding and expanding. Last year ISIS claimed the responsibility of 18 bomb attacks in Afghanistan, as the Kohrasan province appears to provide nursery for ISIS fighters, recruiter and commanders.

Read more: US promises more action against Pakistan

In fact the mighty MOAB (mother of all bombs) launched by the US last year was not of any constructive use in countering ISIS. These miserable adventures and multiple struggles in Afghanistan, opted by former residents of the White House have cost the US around 1 trillion dollars to this date, moreover comprehending that the United States is under the debt of 19 trillion dollars and as per it’s growing national and international instability, apparently time has come for Trump to fulfill his campaign promise and choose between American people and Afghanistan. This war will without any doubt swallow the US, albeit not immediately but eventually.

Although in the growing world of multi-polarities and altering dynamics it is mandatory for Pakistan to reduce its India-oriented approaches or foreign policies, and instead think rationally about its global position or image.

Discourteously, right after President Trump’s spiteful claims regarding Islamabad, came another disdainful statement from his administration in which they pronounced to hold 250 million dollars aid to Pakistan. One might perceive and think of this move as a another problem in a bucket full of adversity, but for a few others on the other hand it is exactly what Pakistan and so many other countries around the world need right now i.e. less dependence on global powers.

he US had toiled tirelessly in previous decades to achieve and maintain economic, social, military dependence of third world countries on America and its glorious petro dollar’s subterfuge as the strategy seems to fade away now. Meanwhile, expecting such a paradigm shift in American foreign policy is acutely traditional from a Republican administration. Republicans are known for their isolationism, from days of the League of Nations to this day they’ve adamantly supported their classic doctrine of isolationism; but this time the administration in the Oval office is not just promising isolationism but they’ve come up with a pro plan which many refer to as radical isolationism.

Read more: US freezing aid will have little impact on Pakistan

Pakistan on the other side of the rock is seeking refuge in the arms of warm friend and brother, China. Intentionally or unintentionally the irksome provocations of Washington has encouraged Islamabad to set its sail towards Beijing and Moscow. Accounting the change in Islamabad’s demeanor, New Delhi has also indulged intimately with Washington, however making it inevitable for Islamabad to cross some seas and leap some borders. In fact, during the last visit to White house, Indian premier Modi was assured about the acquaintance of India and the White House.

Classical conflicts, disputed borders and the recent standoff between China and Bhutan upon the territory on Doklam Plateau are a few checkmate realities which are conducing New Delhi’s growing insecurity.

This alliance not only saw a drastic increase of 22% growth in trade extensions between both sates but also witnessed the fraternal exchange of vows at merchandizing and protecting American interests in Afghanistan. India seeks to counter China in the region and acclaim its ‘greater India’ ideology, while China being a major superpower regionally and globally wants to affirm its influence in the South China Sea. China’s current GDP is four times larger and it’s defense spending three times more than India’s.

Classical conflicts, disputed borders and the recent standoff between China and Bhutan upon the territory on Doklam Plateau are a few checkmate realities which are conducing New Delhi’s growing insecurity. Whereas, the US is chiefly advocating India’s claim at a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council and membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group, which Beijing openly opposes. Therefore, gaining the trust of the United States is promising glory to India. After the intentions of isolating Pakistan internationally were formulated and expressed by PM Modi on several forums; one thing is undisputed that New Delhi is looking for opportunities to contain Pakistan and the United States qualifies to do it that much more efficiently.

Read more: Ex-senator’s claims against Pakistan highlight US hypocrisy

Pakistan on the other hand is gaining ground against all odds, regionally and internationally. The One Belt One Road initiative of China is the biggest investment ever made by any foreign country in Pakistan. The incentive holds the potential to launch Pakistan in the new world as a self-sufficient country. Although in the growing world of multi-polarities and altering dynamics it is mandatory for Pakistan to reduce its India-oriented approaches or foreign policies, and instead think rationally about its global position or image.

Pakistan on the other side of the rock is seeking refuge in the arms of warm friend and brother, China. Intentionally or unintentionally the irksome provocations of Washington has encouraged Islamabad to set its sail towards Beijing and Moscow.

Unequivocally, the Indian factor must be kept in check but that does not mean to shadow pro-Pakistan policies with anti-India policies. Curbing New Delhi’s long established ‘Mandala policy’ is necessary but absolutely diminishing any talks on trade with India will only cost Pakistan some deeper wounds. President Trump’s growing aggression towards Iran and his threats to re-impose sanctions on it can persuade Iran to take desperate steps. Without any delay in proceedings, Pakistan should offer shoulder to its southwestern neighbor.

Read more: Pakistan prepared for any US action: DG ISPR

As it’s often said, ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures’ thus it is Pakistan’s obligation to make rudimentary, historical decisions now. India’s influence in Iran is evident and obvious in the form of Chahbahar Port of Iran, but what can’t be brushed aside is the fact that Iran geo-strategically aligns with Pakistan. The probability of Chahbahar working as a sister port with Gwader still dwindles around close. Coming years and decades will be substantially responsible for changing the dynamics of international politics and prevailing international order, hence it is time for Pakistan to understand and upgrade its game to the next level. One can’t simply wish to win in chess, with ordinary board-game tactics.     

The views expressed in this article are authors own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.