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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pakistan’s peacekeeping mission saves 2000 people

The UNSC spokesperson hailed Pakistan's support for the UN’s peacekeeping mission in Congo. The statement says Pakistan is the biggest contributor to the UN’s peacekeeping mission. Recently, the US also recognized Pakistan’s significant efforts for peacekeeping missions.

UN has praised Pakistan’s peacekeeping mission efforts of rescuing 2000 people in the recent floods in Congo.

The UNSC spokesperson hailed Pakistan’s support for the UN’s peacekeeping mission across the world. The statement says Pakistan is the biggest contributor to the UN’s peacekeeping mission.


ISPR reiterated support for UN Peacekeeping missions

Pakistan ISPR’s also shared the heroic effort of Pakistan’s peacekeeping mission on Twitter. Pakistani peacekeeping mission played an important role to protect people in recent devastating floods in the Uvira region of South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“Torrential floods erupted in Uvira and surroundings in Congo starting last week, which continued for days. Rains and flooding damaged thousands of houses and affected nearly 75,000 people,” ISPR said in a tweet.

Pakistani peacekeepers rushed to the affected area and made arrangements to rescue people. They “built a stone embankment to check flood water, which was strong enough to shift people and vehicles from the affected area,” ISPR added.

ISPR reinforced Pakistan’s resolve to support peace efforts across the world. More than 4000 Pakistanis are serving the UN Peacekeeping missions. Adding that ‘157 Pakistani peacekeepers have lost their lives while serving UN missions. These peacekeepers served humanity with ‘honour and courage,’ said ISPR.

Pakistan’s Foreign Office also hailed the tremendous humanitarian services of Pakistan peacekeepers in Congo. Foreign Office spokesperson said that these efforts are a source of pride for the nation.

Read more: Pakistani Women as UN peacekeepers continue to inspire me: US Diplomat

But this is not the first time, the world has acknowledged the peacekeeping efforts of Pakistan. Recently, the US recognized Pakistan’s significant efforts for peacekeeping missions.

The US lauds Pakistan Peacekeeping mission

In February, United States chief diplomat for South Asian affairs Alice Wells admired the Pakistani women serving in the United Nations’ peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In a tweet, Wells said that  “Inspired by Pakistani women serving with distinction in the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC. The first Pakistani all-female group of 15 peacekeepers received medals last week for their work performing a range of services to the conflict-affected eastern DRC.”

Members of the first-ever Pakistani Female Engagement Team (FET), which is deployed with the United Nations Organisation Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), were recently awarded the UN Medal at a ceremony in Adikivu in South Kivu, one of the provinces of the central African country.

This team was the first-ever Pakistani Female Engagement team in any UN peacekeeping mission around the world.

Read more: Pakistani military women stand tall at United Nations

Pakistani men and women wearing blue helmets and caps are at the forefront of United Nations peacekeeping missions across the world. On many occasions, Pakistan’s female military personnel have made their presence felt at the UN peacekeeping missions across the world by helping humanity, building peace, and bringing stability across the regions.

Pakistan contribution to humanity

Pakistan’s commitment to the UN for promoting international peace and prosperity stems from the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

Pakistan’s role in peacekeeping efforts began in 1960. Pakistan deployed its first contingent in the UN operations in Congo. Since then, Pakistan has been a consistent contributor to the UN peacekeeping around the world.

Pakistani peacekeeping mission has been participating in multi-national efforts to maintain peace.

Pakistan is a key member of the United Nations. The country has served the purpose through active diplomatic, moral, and material support globally.