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Friday, February 14, 2025

Political imbroglio in Pakistan

Unfortunately, we as a nation have become intolerant, and highly emotional, the rural people are mostly under the spell of Peers and Faqirs or the coercive influence of the Chaudhry, Sardars and Waderas, while the urban youth has drifted towards the life of pleasure and so-called modernity.

In this game of self-destruction, all the powers are fully involved, be it the politicians, bureaucrats, military establishment, mafias, big industrialists and businessmen, the big landlords, the judiciary and the legal fraternity.

All have been in sync to get rich and to keep the poor illiterate and dispossessed, but at times fight with each other when their personal interests are breached.

All have benefited from the largesse of the USA and are in sync with it but out of sync with their own poor people.

Read more: Pakistan Politics: Race to the bottom

The farce of accountability and change played by some were among the tricks to befool the masses

None has carried out ruthless accountability to remove the malignant parts from the body of Pakistan. Instead the drives were always selective and politically motivated.

To say that the two dynasties are the bane of our society and responsible for the ailments of Pakistan will not be correct. Bhutto had also blamed 22 rich families and see what was the result.

Today there are hundreds of rich families but no change has been brought in the lives of the poor. In fact, the 22 families had a big role in giving feet to Pakistan’s economy in infancy. Today we are bending over backward to attract foreign investors on any terms.

No one is interested in reforms since it would change the rotten systems inherited from the British which do not suit the psyche of the people. Once the real leader rules the roost, he can change things within months, what to talk about the 4 years rule of the PTI.

As a result, the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer and moral turpitude touching its lowest ebb.

Read more: Senate Elections – Welcome to Pakistan Politics!

Unfortunately, we as a nation have become intolerant, and highly emotional, the rural people are mostly under the spell of Peers and Faqirs or the coercive influence of the Chaudhris, Sardars and Waderas, while the urban youth has drifted towards the life of pleasure and so-called modernity. We want quick results, easy money without hard work, and hate check and balance, and everyone in authority has a feudal mindset.

No leader has ever attempted to integrate the people and weld them into a nation

Pakistan is today a socially divided country and these divisions are getting wider due to hatred being injected into the minds of people of smaller provinces and the political parties. Each party considers its opposite party a bigger enemy than India and wants to obliterate it.

The establishment has been playing its part to keep the democracy controlled and the political leaders under its thumb.

The judiciary starting from the original sin committed by CJ Munir has been supporting the doctrine of necessity to legalise military takeovers and subversion of the constitution and has passed crucial judgments after seeing the direction of the wind.

Lastly, Iranians fought the Iraqis in the 1980s as a nation and completed their cycle of the Islamic Revolution. They have successfully defied US coercion since 1979. Even greater resolve and resilience were shown by the Taliban in Afghanistan and were successful. Ukrainians, although outnumbered and outgunned are putting up a brave fight as a nation. We too had demonstrated a similar response against the Indian aggression in 1965, but can we claim that kind of patriotism and will to fight collectively as a nation today?

A divided house and that too when a segment including the veterans turn against our own army cannot fight a war with six times superior India.

Read more: A paradigm shift in Pakistan’s politics

In our mad love for a political leader, we have made our country and the institutions brittle due to infighting. Strangely, there is no change in our colored perceptions even when the country is a few weeks away from economic default.