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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Rabi Pirzada says calling Modi names is Un-Islamic

The actress on her path to redemption following the leak of her objectionable videos returned to Twitter to make a few confessions. In a list of confession and advises, she asked people to avoid calling PM Modi names since it is disliked in Islam.

Rabi Pirzada, in her latest tweets, asserted that calling names the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is not allowed in Islam and she realized it after she reverted to the religion.

She added that she had led the bandwagon of slurring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Kashmir issue on social media but added that slandering even the opponents is not allowed in Islam. Pirzada, who has recently reverted to Islam and quitted the showbiz industry made some noticeable confessions in a series of tweets posted on Twitter on Friday.

Pirzada expressed contrition that she was a Muslim for the name but not a practicing one. She added that she offered prayers but never understood the reality of Islam and Allah.

She said that she has stopped using social media but came on Twitter to share a few confessions. She added that she fought for the honour of the Holy Prophet SAW but never read about his life and teachings. She remorse the face that she give charity but never understood the Quran.

Former singer and actress added that she praised Allah but never asked people to stop admire or worship her.

Rabi further advised people to adopt simplicity in life and wear inexpensive clothes. She asked not to follow politicians blindly, supported the death penalty for the pedophiles. She asked people to refrain from bad-mouthing about others and follow Islam in spirit.

Read more: Rabi Pirzada: Leaked Personal Videos & Absurd Trends On Social Media

The actress asserted that she regrets being proud of supporting Naqeebullah Mehsud, who was killed in a fake police encounter and Salahuddin who was killed in police custody due to violent physical torture. She said that the world knows how Rabi Pirzada is but she could not tell the world what Islam is. The actress posted her confessions with a couple of pictures of her calligraphic artwork.

Pakistani actress Rabi Pirzada had performed Umrah after quitting the showbiz industry after her private videos and pictures were leaked online.

According to details, the decision was taken after consultation with friends and family members. She had already said that she is taking a permanent break from Showbiz.