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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Raza Rabbani, accuses NAB, judiciary, ECP of pre-poll rigging

News Analysis |

Raza Rabbani, former Chairman Senate and a senior leader of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), has accused the state institutions of pre-poll rigging. Raza Rabbani, known for his pro-democracy views, expressed anger and displeasure over the ongoing political uncertainty in the country. The former chairman senate bashed at the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), courts, National Accountability Bureau (NAB), and security agencies (without mentioning their names) for violating the constitution of Pakistan.

Mr. Rabbani was shocked to learn that the ECP has extended the voting time to 10 hours, possibly at the request of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf. “How could they extend the voting time on the request of a single party.” The ECP has ordered to extend the time because many of voters do not get adequate time to cast their votes. To facilitate the voters, the ECP had directed the authorities. But parties like PPP are not happy over the decision.

Interestingly, among the 179 cases of mega corruption, 22 are related to financial corruption, 27 to housing societies and 71 pertained to corruption and misuse of authority by high-ranking public officials.

Recently, the Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib ordered the former President General Pervez Musharraf to return back, appear before the court and contest the upcoming general elections. The PPP leader was not happy over the offer made by the CJP to the former military dictator. “The court allowed Pervez Musharraf to contest polls,” he said. “How can a person convicted under Article 6 be allowed to contest polls? Musharraf did not return himself, which is why the court had to take its decision back.”

Read more: Nawaz & Maryam conviction: Has NAB set the stage for a…

The PPP leaders, including Farhatullah Babar are complaining that their party workers and leaders are being compelled to change their loyalties and join ‘another’ party or contest the polls independently. Rabbani also talked about the same threats being issued to the local leaders of the party. “PPP candidates are being pressured into either changing parties or withdraw their candidatures,” said the PPP leader. “Those who are exerting this pressure have been named also,” he added. “Where is the defense minister? He should come and explain this pressure.”

Raza Rabbani also bashed the role of the NAB. The watchdog has recently took several steps against the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and tightened the screw of accountability. “NAB can,” said Rabbani, “only see two parties. The third one is invisible to it. The lotas (turncoats) who switched allegiance and joined a different party, are they above blame now? Why are they not being held accountable?”

The ECP has ordered to extend the time because many of voters do not get adequate time to cast their votes. To facilitate the voters, the ECP had directed the authorities. But parties like PPP are not happy over the decision.

NAB’s Independent role is a Threat to Politicians?

As the new Chairman assumed the office, the prosecution division of the bureau was immediately ordered to finalize all 179 mega corruption investigations as soon as possible. It was revealed during a performance review meeting of NAB chaired by Justice Iqbal that investigations into 101 cases had been concluded, and references had been filed in the respective accountability courts, where the corruption cases would be adjudicated in accordance with the law.

Read more: Is NAB becoming effective again?

Moreover, currently the NAB is working on 19 inquiries and 23 investigations, while 36 cases have already been disposed of.

The 179 mega corruption cases were lodged against the industrialists, traders, senior bureaucrats and prominent politicians, including the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif (case under investigation), Punjab Chief Minster Shahbaz Sharif (case under investigation), ex-president Asif Ali Zardari (case under trial), former prime ministers Yousuf Raza Gilani and Raja Pervez Ashraf (cases under trial), former federal minister Dr Asim Hussain (a case under trial and two others under investigation), former prime minister Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain (case under investigation), ex-CM Punjab Chaudhry Pervez Elahi (case under investigation), former chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Amir Haider Khan Hoti (case under investigation), former chief minister of Balochistan Aslam Raisani, (inquiry under progress) former communication minister Arbab Jahangir and his wife Begum Asma Arbab (case under investigation), MPA Asif Nakai (case under investigation), MNA Syed Iftikhar Shah (case under investigation), former minister Murid Kazim (case under investigation), former chairmen of NICL Ayaz Khan and Javed Akram (case under trail) and former chairman of Evacuee Trust Property Asif Hashim (case under inquiry).

Read more: Convicts in Avenfield reference to be arrested upon arrival: NAB

Interestingly, among the 179 cases of mega corruption, 22 are related to financial corruption, 27 to housing societies and 71 pertained to corruption and misuse of authority by high-ranking public officials.

In Pakistan, the upcoming general elections are going to make a difference for one very important reason that the contender of the power, PTI, has got a momentum and expected to make a difference. The parties of the status quo, PML-N and PPP, are making excuses to make the upcoming elections controversial. The institutions in Pakistan are, this time, working independently and according to their constitutional mandate, remark analysts in Pakistan.