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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Read: Trump’s latest twitter blundering

President Donald Trump is a prodigious tweeter.

If all of the scandals surrounding him were to dissipate, his tweets would be enough to sustain the national news.

What with the Russian controversy, bickering with NATO members and ongoing feud with ex-FBI director James Comey, Donald Trump’s tweets have taken a back seat on the American media’s agenda.

However, the POTUS’ Twitter page continually produces fresh preposterousness to feed the collective existential crisis which has gripped the United States.

Here at GVS, we have endeavored to display and describe recent gems from the President’s mind.

Crooked Hillary  

It is apparent that Trump still hasn’t gotten over his pre-election obsession of ‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton. In this tweet, he alleges that Hillary blames everyone but herself when the reality is quite to the contrary.

Hillary has publicly taken responsibility for the loss of 2016 elections. She did, however, highlight the actions of James Comey and how they damaged her chances to win.

Read More: The reason why Trump ignored Pakistan

Kathy Griffin and Trump

President Trump posted this with reference to a photo shoot of comedian Kathy Griffin. where she is seen holding the decapitated model head of Trump.


Since this picture was published, Kathy has lost her contract with CNN and has posted a video apologizing for this picture.


This is a bewildering one even by Trump standards. After a little digging, however, we found that it was a response to a now deleted tweet by Trump where he had misspelled coverage.


Rather than accepting a simple mistake, Donald Trump implies that there is an actual meaning behind ‘covfefe’. Either that or this was a weak attempt at sarcasm. We will leave it for you to decide.

Read More: A comprehensive guide to Trump’s speech addressing the Muslim world

Sources say…

Here the President dismisses older than time journalistic practices of referring to anonymous sources as simply sources.

Publications have reputations based on their reporting quality and that relies upon their sources. Oftentimes these sources wish to remain anonymous hence are not named.

Although there may be instances where this is abused by certain journalists to mislead readers, by casting doubt on the whole profession of journalism and reporting Trump has escalated his efforts to suppress criticism.