
3 Programming Languages to Know in 2024: Swift, Finch, and Zig

blankDebates surrounding the merits of programming languages have been ongoing for quite some time. Recently, much of the discussion has revolved around the impact of AI and whether or not generative AI will make proficiency in programming languages obsolete. However, continuous learning remains essential in the programming world. In this article, we will highlight three languages that programmers should have on their radar.

First on the list is Swift. According to Ted Kremenek, Apple’s director of languages and runtimes, programmers should consider Swift as an alternative to the longstanding programming language, C++. Kremenek believes that Swift’s safety, speed, and approachability, along with its built-in C and C++ interoperability, make it the best choice to succeed C++. Although Swift has been around since 2014, its latest iteration, Swift 6, is set to be released later this year with several improvements. One notable improvement is full data race safety by default, which prevents code from reading and writing to the same memory simultaneously. Swift 6 also boasts an 8.4 times faster performance than Python, a robust type system for more secure code, and an error handling model that reinforces good practices.

Next up is Finch, a new programming language developed by a research team from MIT. Finch offers a fresh approach to structured array programming by combining flexible control flow and diverse data structures into a common representation. This unique programming model resolves challenges in computing over structured arrays and allows programmers to work with complex data structures without sacrificing expressive power or efficiency. Finch’s technical advantages in control flow integration make it suitable for various implementations across fields such as database management, image and signal processing, machine learning, data science, and graph algorithms.

Lastly, we have Zig, a programming language that is gaining attention for its potential to boost earning potential. According to the Stack Overflow survey, Zig is one of the best-paying programming languages for developers to know in 2024, with an average salary of $103,000 per year for Zig developers. Andrew Kelley, the lead developer and president of the Zig Software Foundation, describes Zig as a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. Zig is positioned as an heir to C, aiming to provide better alternatives to solve common problems faced by C programmers, such as conditional compilation and generics.

In conclusion, staying up to date with programming languages is crucial for programmers. Swift, with its safety, speed, and interoperability, is a strong contender to replace C++. Finch offers a revolutionary approach to structured array programming, combining control flow and data structures for increased productivity. Zig, on the other hand, is a language that promises better alternatives to address common issues faced by C programmers. By keeping these three languages on their radar, programmers can enhance their skills and potentially increase their earning potential in the dynamic world of technology.