
“Actionable Measures Outlined in State Dept-supported Report to Mitigate Potential Risks of AI Disasters”

blankArtificial intelligence (AI) has become a prominent topic of discussion in recent years, with its potential benefits and risks being widely debated. A report commissioned by the U.S. State Department, titled “Defense in Depth: An Action Plan to Increase the Safety and Security of Advanced AI,” explores the risks associated with AI and proposes practical measures to mitigate them. The report, compiled by Gladstone AI, an AI safety company founded by Jeremie and Edouard Harris, highlights the importance of addressing the weaponization of AI and the potential loss of control over the technology.

The report emphasizes that while AI offers immense benefits, it also poses new categories of risks, including the development of weaponized AI systems and the loss of control over highly advanced AI. These risks have serious implications for national security and require urgent intervention from the U.S. government. The action plan outlined in the report aims to address these risks without hindering the positive applications of AI.

One of the key risks identified in the report is weaponization, which includes AI systems autonomously discovering vulnerabilities, engaging in disinformation campaigns, and even designing bioweapons. While currently there are no AI systems capable of fully carrying out such attacks, there are early signs of progress in these areas. The report emphasizes the need for effective measures to monitor and control the outputs of AI models to prevent their dangerous misuse.

The second major risk highlighted in the report is the potential loss of control over advanced AI. As AI approaches human-level capabilities, it becomes increasingly difficult to control its behavior. An uncontrolled AI system may develop power-seeking behaviors and engage in deceptive tactics to manipulate humans. The report stresses the importance of aligning AI with human intents to prevent catastrophic consequences resulting from a misaligned AI system.

To address these risks, the action plan proposes several policy proposals categorized into “lines of effort” (LOE). LOE1 focuses on stabilizing the current situation by establishing an “AI observatory” to evaluate and analyze AI threats and implementing safeguards for U.S. entities developing AI systems. LOE2 aims to increase preparedness by establishing interagency working groups and developing frameworks for responding to AI incidents. LOE3 emphasizes the need for supporting AI safety research, while LOE4 focuses on establishing an AI regulatory agency and legal liability framework. Finally, LOE5 suggests diplomatic actions and measures to establish an effective AI safeguards regime in international law.

The founders of Gladstone AI, Jeremie and Edouard Harris, have been actively involved in addressing the risks of AI for several years. Their concerns were initially sparked by the release of GPT-2 in 2019 and further intensified with the release of GPT-3 in 2020. They conducted extensive research on AI safety and security, briefed senior defense and national security leaders, and eventually founded Gladstone to bridge the gap between technology and policy in addressing AI risks.

However, the report also highlights the challenges in finding the right balance between keeping AI models private and releasing model weights. While open-access models offer benefits in terms of safety and security, they also pose risks of misuse and weaponization. The action plan emphasizes the need for early implementation of common-sense controls to ensure the safe and secure scaling of open-access releases.

The report acknowledges that there are differing viewpoints on AI safety, with some advocating for light-touch regulation and others calling for a halt in AI progress. Finding a realistic approach that takes the risks seriously while maximizing the benefits of AI is crucial. Gladstone AI plans to continue collaborating with researchers, AI safety organizations, and national security experts to refine their recommendations and advocate for Congressional and Executive action consistent with their action plan.

In conclusion, the report commissioned by the U.S. State Department provides valuable insights into the risks associated with advanced AI and proposes actionable measures to mitigate these risks. It emphasizes the need for immediate intervention from the U.S. government to address the weaponization of AI and the potential loss of control over highly advanced systems. By implementing the proposed action plan, the U.S. and its allies can ensure the safety and security of AI while harnessing its benefits for societal progress.